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Pokémon Vortex

Number lottery contest/ giveaway

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Hey! pokemon vortex. today i am doing a contest/ or u can say it as kind of a giveaway. u can call it whtever u want. wooperthis contest is very unlikely from wht i did before. ok so here is the challenge. u cant make an arguement. the person who puts more than 2 comment will not recieve the price. so here is how it works. i have chosen 3 numbers out of 20. and ur job is to guess the number. and everyone has only. 1 try. if u say another comment about entering then np wont work. now here is the thing. u have to be following be in game and forums. for in game u have to send the scrrenshot. and for the forums i can see it.

put ur ign and the number here are the prizes. 


the users who put the correct number wins.

(pls, the people who have hi tempered. save it)

so remeber 3 numbers out 1 to 20

Edited by 1gladion
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