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Pokémon Vortex

Remove/Change time between battles (Only sidequests)

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You have already completed a battle within the last 10 seconds. This is in effect to stop players having an advantage over others.


This is so annoying. Please remove or change this time to 4-5 seconds but only in sidequests. There are too many battles against 1-2-3 pokemons and it's annoying to wait few seconds after those battles. I don't see any advantage here, it's a browser game, you don't need 1000mb\s internet connection or 200FPS to run this game so everybody can play normally this game in any conditions.



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The reason this exists is because of people using bots.
By giving this minimum time limit, the game disallows efficient botting. Technically it doesn't stop it, but it certainly makes them a lot less efficient, and therefore less likely to use.
Occasionally I would come across this timer in Sidequests. However, I'm willing to re-do those fights if it helps the developers stop botting in Pokémon Vortex.
As you say, those are normally short battles. It doesn't take a long time to re-do them, and as I don't see this very often, I don't get very annoying by it either.

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I feel I should probably chime in here. While Auke and Itachi aren't wrong, it certainly helps in making sure bots aren't overly productive, one of the main reasons behind its existence is because without it, a new meta of "gaining battle count" would occur.

People would endlessly battle trainers with single Pokemon teams to rack up wins, not to mention the problem it would bring with multiple browsers/windows/tabs - You would see people gaining hundreds of battles per minute which would ultimately destroy an already painful-to-get-onto leaderboard.


Of course this problem doesn't exist with sidequests as you cannot re-battle the opponent so it's entirely possible it could be removed from the sidequest battles but honestly, I don't see it happening. Who knows though.

Edited by Patrick
Added relevancy to original idea post.
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I know the problem about botting and i understand that, but think about it. As you said Patrick, you cannot re-battle in sidequests and you don't fight with immune pokemons, you can take damage from all of them, there are mystic pokemons in sidequest (1 mystic almost destroyed my team once) and you don't know if you can attack them or not. In one battle you can fight against 3, next with 6, next if 1...you don't know what you have (you have to learn all 2122 battles to know exactly) and with reasons like these, i think it's impossible to create a bot/script..whatever cuz it's unforeseeable. 


Sooo...Patrick, please think about it. Maybe will encourage players to do more sidequests. We can try this system for a while, if doesn't work..just come back to 10 seconds waiting.



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7 hours ago, Scorpiono said:

i think it's impossible to create a bot/script..whatever cuz it's unforeseeable. 

It's impossible to do this with a simple macro (which cheaters use for training) but a programmer could very easily deal with this... once you have a 1-hit KO team set up sidequest battles become more or less trivial with the exception of mystic Pokemon as you mentioned. The optimal sidequest strategy is based on the idea that you're just picking the Pokemon in your team that does neutral damage with their OHKO move, or if it's shiny/metallic you use Victini or Necrozma. There are a number of type combinations that resist both fire & psychic so metallic/shinies of those can throw a spanner in the works, but they're all weak to dark or fighting so again it's easily dealt with.


But the whole point of a script/bot is that the outcome changes based on the input, and you could really easily write something that completes an arbitrary sidequest battle like this, so your point is wrong. What's actually stopping people is that you get nuked off the website the moment you run any bot, in earlier versions Vortex was overrun with bots and it ruined everything so let's keep it this way... the mods are very effective at finding and crushing botters. Even the ex-#1 player of the game, who spent a fortune on mystery boxes, wasn't safe. So removing the battle timeout for sidequests won't make bots any more or less viable than they are right now, Patrick already gave his reasoning in this thread, the timeout is more for balancing between real players to make sure nobody can get an unfair advantage because they have 100 tabs open

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