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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. You can only carry 255 of each item.
  2. Brackets are now fully updated and you are now free to do your Quarter final battles when you and your opponents are ready. Don't forget to share replays and scores as usual.
  3. Round 3 has now started. This is the last round that lasts 48 hours to battle, thereafter will be 24 hours so try and be as organized as you can please. Those people going through on byes, we're disappointed in you all. Hang your head in shame. Brackets have been updated, start arranging your matches and don't forget to report your scores with replays.
  4. > Sharing a replay EVERYONE was there to watch live. You're so mean
  5. First round is now over, brackets have been updated and those who actually tried to contact the no-shows went through. Start arranging your round 2 battles.
  6. @Cat Marjorie vs @StarPonyta20 @Rabbit vs @Brandonx2 @Harsh Vardhan vs @desi987 @MegaBuster123 vs @Adrahil013 @Ryvan vs @Python @Abdullah Butt vs @terco123 @Scrub vs @SoupsMcNova You all have 2 hours left to get your battles done.
  7. Fixed. Also calm down, it's only a few attacks that weren't available
  8. This is not an error, it is designed this way. You will remain as online for 15 minutes after logging out.
  9. 3,000 and 4,000 uniques achievement Ribbons have been added (A browser re-cache is required to see them right away)
  10. @Nutella Navigator Is what sas said the case here? I need to know if it needs looking into. Check if you actually have a Hippopotas in your stored Pokémon again.
  11. There's actually nothing that can be done about this. The forums themselves are paid for software from Invision Power and therefore the code is not maintained by Pokémon Vortex. Something like this would need to be fixed by them and pushed out as an update, until then we just have to deal with it.
  12. Lol. It's alright, don't worry about it.
  13. You're not entering the correct name, @desi987 I did say this on your post on his profile. There's still 9 hours left to get the battle done, try and arrange it a bit better before then. The second round hasn't started yet, hold your horses Round 1, 2 and 3 are 48 hours each then 24 hours per round after.
  14. THE WINNERS AT LAST! @Rabbit (Rabbit) - Shadow Arceus (Electric) @Andrew Sullivan ahalfeatengod - Pikachu (Rock Star) @desi987 (desi987) - Mystic Volcanion @Briar (Briar) - Shiny Zygarde (Partial) @Workile (Workile) - Dark Kyurem (White) PM me to get a promo code for your prize.
  15. Unfortunately you're disqualified for using banned items in the battle. You used Leftovers on your Sylveon and Life Orb on your Keldeo so the match goes to Tyheamma 6-0
  16. Hi everyone! So with the ongoing development with version 4 of Pokémon Vortex, my time for version 3 is pretty limited. With that, it means I want to focus on v4 as much as possible so I can get it finished, out and ready for you all to start enjoying. Sadly, this also means I don't have much time for new event creation right now. BUT, fear not, it was times like this which is the reason I made the Event Center the way it is... So you can all vote to bring back old events in times of event dry spells. So, vote above which one you would like to come back and I will take into consideration (very strongly) whether it will happen or not. Please note that even though I am taking a public vote on bringing an event back, that does not mean the winning vote is actually going to be back, I might decide against it and do a new event or I might choose something else that didn't win or wasn't even in the poll. This is just to see what people would like to see again. (It also gives me an idea of the events people liked/disliked although this is highly biased since no one will vote for an event that happened a week ago)
  17. Both of your teams were invalid. You had Abomasnow-Mega on it which is Ice type and banned from the tournament.
  18. Nice job. Congratulations on being the first through to the next round.
  19. All logic of the alphabet went out the window when it came to Zygarde.
  20. This is now closed - All participants are being organized and the winners will be announced soon.
  21. @sportsandmusic69 Doesn't know what he's talking about. To become a moderator you have to pass a series of tests.
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