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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by 123Aman-2

  1. i want yoursee my ign -123aman and tell me many unique non-legends you want ??
  2. all fossils that you have just tell me and I'll tell which ones i want... (preferably interested hoenn , sinnoh fossils) i can give you 1 unique legend for it...
  3. hunt unique fossils for me... will paying in unique legends.. pm me for further negotiation
  4. my mystic water for your shadow water ?
  5. when did Patrick said he allowed ?? Also if you can change it to another color then please do it
  6. Ign-123aman thanks (btw please pm me what fossils you have for trade )
  7. 123Aman-2


    PM me i m interested in some em ... maybe we will negotiate
  8. 123Aman-2


    hey parky , you want fossils that are listed in coming soon set or you have them to trade ?? also how many pokes(fossils) are for trade I'm interested in some ...
  9. would be great if dark version would be changed in green or blue version
  10. Hillary-Trump war of words ...... xD 

    1. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      Hillary did that xD (she got em) (owned him).

    2. DeMerican


      lol they just talked over each other, not even politics talking, to me it just sounded like to little kids trying to make each other look bad

  11. LMAO... ask any mod to correct it... @sportsandmusic69 @Uncle_Psychic
  12. Rotom forms as Halloween is near... KAPPA....
  13. Thanks a lot I'll select the shadow one offer it on my unown uft in 123aman hope you do more giveaways soon
  14. Firstly, congrats whatever have happened good in your life... 2. IGN-123aman thanks for the giveaway ... hope I'll win
  15. Most common PMs in game is with subject either "hi" or "trade" ...

    Lol :D 


  16. what you mean by that... btw you have posted roto frost not rotospin... which of current 0 in vortex
  17. 1. it's not botted (she/he won it in giveaway/contest officially held by Patrick) 2.I don't know the IGN
  18. LMAO shiny is more rare than mystic ? ....lol m8 go and check the pokedex count... there are only 152 mystic water and 225 shiny so who is rarer ?
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