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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by 123Aman-2

  1. Hey it's VITOL's thread please don't post here ... post in community trade thread...
  2. no dude you posted this on 20 August and it's more 27 August so today till 12:00 am the whole week didn't complete.. lol
  3. Lmao.... he told a hundred times that he's lazy and still you r saying him to check your IGN ...
  4. today is the last date for @Haxor69's suicide .. so those who wanna contribute they they can... just 10 posts more and he'll commit suicide ... Lmao .. #RIPHAXOR69
  5. I'm wondering why people creating their usernames with the no. 69

    For example- @Haxor69 , @sportsandmusic69 , ryker69 (aka @Christopher Mathial ) ...

    is that a lucky number or what ?? =_= 

  6. i can bid 45 unique for your primal... lol please Tell me b4 trading it as i can bid a lot on it...
  7. 123Aman-2


    No you only need to defeat all the gyms, battle Frontiers .... no need to battle all the events...
  8. 20 uniques of your choice (instead of eevees,scatterbugs)for mystic palkia , shadow dialga , shadow phione and shiny yveltal ?? please reply we can negotiate...
  9. I already knew he is a cheater as I saw him botting in maps during rotom pokedex event... how could a person can get a set of pokedexes with his OT ... even Patrick can't able to (maybe )
  10. don't you think it's extremely high price... @chingki123
  11. anyone here to fight me in http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/ 

    In Balanced Hackmons... :P 

  12. ~123aman ~Dr. Doom (I'll scare to go to toilet tonight.. Lmao ) ~I'll take a part of row boat and hit in their nose ~ Peter ~ Lemme think...hmm..... neither generous nor crazy.....crazyrous person...
  13. with 1,000,000,000 exp on it for it ??
  14. how much exp or unique legends for that unique halloween ? PM me
  15. np btw do u want any other thing than events for ur halloween ??
  16. Hey bro 10-15 uniques non legends for arceus ??
  17. any moderator @Uncle_Psychic or @sportsandmusic69 please close this topic for some time i got a lot of load to train so i request you to close this till i m done with all my orders... Thanks
  18. LF ... offering unique leggies or even exp.......
  19. I'll update the whole thread after some time... then all events/leggies/fossils/Primals rates would be added... not yet I'll post on your thread of I need any.... Lucky to get a giveaway prize... i have been participated around 15-20 giveaways but still haven't got one ... btw please contact me later when I'm done with my previous load work.... please wait for some time until i completed everyone's Pokemon...
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