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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Updates posted by candy_fudgekin

  1. Ok, I'm gonna be gone for a really long time probably, like for around a few months, if not a year. Because I really want to start yt but it owill be a long time, and I had 2 tornadoes in my city within 3 days so thats a worry, I hope to move away soon. So cya! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. foodviro2.0
    3. candy_fudgekin


      It's been like only a few months and I feel like it's been so long but good to be back

    4. candy_fudgekin


      I recognize your username Silverstar but maybe it's just a coincidence that it looks a bit like AllStar...

  2. ok. i have the opprotunity. should i make a second account for the UB hunting or no?


  3. ok. my pokemon are terrible. that kyogre primal thing. well im going to just say... CASE CLOSED



    1. candy_fudgekin















      from a giratina

  5. oooooooh yay i have 2 folowers


  6. Pls don't leave you are one my only friends on here

  7. quick random question. what should i name my pokemon rival? im starting a new nuzlocke on a harder version of pokemon platinum! :D called renegade platinum

  8. so i ran out of posts on normal forums. but someone already took seeker on it so you would have to be a hider. so lucky you. the day after tomorow though.


  9. the day after tomorow. and at 2:00 mountain time.

  10. The weather radar only shows green for me now. Yay now I don't have to go into the basement or (giant) pantry


    Pastile, out. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FrostHaizad


      Yeah me raining too

    3. candy_fudgekin


      Also Atlanta got the tornadoes i was supposed to get.

    4. FrostHaizad
  11. there u go. 100 rep.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nfl0


      i upvoted some of your posts

    3. iweimax0524


      yeah thanks both of u but I was aclly planign on dogin a giveaway and boist it up all the way

    4. iweimax0524


      babby I am catching up16 or osemthing left to go 

  12. Today is the last day.

    Til my computer is set up,


    The starry night is reflecting the flowers

    On the ground. This is the time for shadow heatran to be found again


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hardieboi


      Oh 😅😥😀😆😭😭😢

    3. FrostHaizad
    4. candy_fudgekin


      finally i set it up. haha get yeeted mr auto correct

  13. wait- in no longer known as a newbie?!?487

    1. kalipo


      yea you are not a newbie once you reach 30 posts you will be an advanced member

  14. well i guess we have to postpone until tomorow because we are supposed to be hiding TODAY yet none of the hiders or the seeker is on.


    1. DragonQueen5928


      If it's today, can I be seeker?


      I think my sister forgot


  15. What is the chance of finding a metallic legendary? And is it higher chance to find a metallic entei than a normal kubfu

    1. Lethal_Entity


      I believe finding a normal kubfu is much easier although from personal experience I also believe finding a shiny mew is 10x easier than a normal kubfu........so its all rng.

    2. candy_fudgekin
    3. Auke1993


      Kubfu and Entei are both Legendary Pokémon, and appear at the same encounter rate. Variants, such as Metallic, are more rare then the standard Pokémon. Metallic Entei is therefore more rare than a standard Kubfu.

  16. Whats funny is I still don't know how to download gifs

  17. when do i reach rank 4 on forums?

    1. iweimax0524


      post 5 more times

  18. Whoa I won

    Ooh first time


    1. red_wolf_


      me here who never wins

  19. whoohooo! shiny shuckle! up for the taking! just sitting here randomly! kid: oh hay a shiny shuckle- oh this shuckle painted itself to look shiny. oh well. nevermind then. SHUCKIE: WHO DARES INSULT MY SON LIKE THIS?!? COOK IN THE OVENNNNNN! 



    (this is a joke. lol)

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