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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by jamorant

  1. come on money buys houses states it helps with the salaries of our jobs it buys us food it buys us clothes cars,shoes,premium memberships,games and so far and so forth nothing is free for example this free pokemon game its free I know but you still have the to pay to get an higher benefit (premium memberships) another example you really think the richest man in this game or real life is happy with there lifestyle they can buy everthing
  2. so far deathraider247 has made a 100k+ profit in 30 mins I believe or 40
  3. life lesson kid money buys everything (except happiness obviously)
  4. Yep and were going to need for a lot stuff in this game
  5. nevermind the question I just asked now How tell me
  6. it is possible to make 1.5 million dollars in 2 minutes with a most likely outcome of 25k a battle?
  7. you did sixty battles in 2 minutes? divided 1.5 million by 25k and got sixty
  8. 1,5 million um 2 minutes ago you had 130k dude how? do you have auto clicker for your training accounts? lol (no accusations)
  9. but if he saying he can I will grind out a sidequest and give you 530k if you cant get it done you give 50% of what you made
  10. still would be exhausting our bodies are not made to stay on a computer for 24 hours unless your drinking coffee every damn minute like detective pikachu
  11. in a day? it takes a long time to 3 mil of that in ONE day
  12. ik its possible but think about if you want 3 mil a day you would probably need to do some pokemon trades where he gets pds or auction selling but you cant start an auction and have it end by the end of the day to make a valid profit so none of those work so the only viable option is side quests and come on you really think someone is complete the same side quest 3 times in a day? yeah not valid for me dude
  13. yeah you might be right but at the same time look at his vortex account he only got 130k so you think he might be trying to get the trade in and then not pay the pds hes offering?
  14. 1. did you know he was trying to get your username and password and number 2 do you have pictures of him finding out that you gave him your alternate account? did you give him any pds? can you tell me when you found out you couldn't get into your alternate account? did this all happen in the same hour? I know its a a lot of questions im just trying to understand the situation more🤓
  15. that kind seems like an unfair trade to me but idk @rms701 makes the final decision
  16. how much for the deoxys speed I know this probably apart of your Deoxys OT collection and you said on your bio that you need one more mega so can we trade for the mega that your missing?
  17. yes please but we will probably have to wait a month or two since this hoopa event is out
  18. I got a 1 million exp mettalic mew do you want it
  19. Im selling mostly everything on my account some pokemon are set in stone for some people.
  20. Ign -jamorant I was close to him and I lost a friend to I haven't seen him since last year :C im leaving too I have achieved everything and I really want to focus on the stuff in my life and passions I have for the future I hope you guys have great lives and achieve everything you want to and gl in life and @Rustyison great person and great friend to have and lildude great person but can be a little much sometimes lol and @rayanthelegend also a great wonderful person and will always be there for you and @red_wolf_ amazing person and I dont think I have to say anymore about him because we all know how kind and great he is and @Cha_Fey_S great nice person to meet and check out his forums if you want to trade or have your pokemon trained and finally @StrikeFlame1 great friend who is very nice and is willing to be friends with anyone and has been by my side and has always been nice and kind to me and has taught me to never give up and quote for today is “To everyone battling a difficulty or under attack right now, smile, keep your head up, keep moving and stay positive, you'll get through it.” Peace. 😁
  21. Quote of the day to hopefully make someones day “To everyone battling a difficulty or under attack right now, smile, keep your head up, keep moving and stay positive, you'll get through it.”🙂

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