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Everything posted by POKECHAN

  1. I only take 2-3 days for 1 mil exp. I may take up to 10 days for completing this!! Maybe you are a beginner in exp training. But its ok, you can build up speed and complete it.
  2. congrats @Sneezeball for reaching 329 posts. Happy 329th postday to you!!!

    1. Sneezeball


      congrats, sir. you are my greatest teacher. Wishing you a happy life ahead.

    3. Captaincam1
  3. Not fair trade. Cost of is worth 18 mil pds. cost of arceus rock and moltres is only 1 mil pds together
  4. Of course he has!! But maybe he might do it for you. If its 1 mil or 2 mil. But if its too big like 200 mil exp, then I don't know.
  5. IGN:POKECHAN . Hope I reach my 500th postday someday.
  6. Hey guys,

    I am gonna do a seasonal battle challenge. Which means the person who does the most battle in this seasonwins . Its just a challenge. Take a current screenshot of your account page like this.

    https://paste.pics/1914111aacc57a134e9b58c8027c22ab. And after the season i will subtract the value and find out how many battles each did. And don't take old screenshot to show me. So, who is participating. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 1gladion


      i am participatin @POKECHAN. to win glory for my name and to prove u who is better. we have time till the seaon end right?

    3. Dqrk


      Aren't you both the same person 

    4. 1gladion



      we had a fight and seperated out accs

  7. Hey!!! Tell the name of the device you are using right now. Is it a laptop, or a phone, a tablet etc.

  8. You can take it as a joke or take as an argument. I don't want to fight over something that makes no sense. I just said that Messi is not sick, now, is that a problem?
  9. Who told you that Messi is sick. He has no health problems!!! I am sure.
  10. IGN: POKECHAN Wonderrrrrrfulllllll giveawayyyy. Marvellous
  11. Sorry @1gladion, I meant to put upvote because the offer you put was good. Sorry bymistake I put. I was thinking about other topics in my mind and I put T-rubbish
  12. But @inteleonshould bid on your auction. right? Because you agreed to give the pokemon. This is not fair, He should give you the money
  13. Dude, have some patience. I can wait for an year!! (hope i get soon)
  14. IGN: POKECHAN . Thanks for the giveaway. And happy that you returned!!😄
  15. It may take some weeks as many people have gave orders
  16. Hey guys, sorry for fooling you. Please forgive me @Ruby123654, @Anrose, @vinodindia, @Fluffyz, @akshatsupercool, @shoomania, @Punz, @kingkong2580 and everyone who entered this giveaway. Actually the ending day is today and These are not the prizes. Actually it was all a prank. These are the real prizes : -(with 95k exp) THE WINNERS: And don't worry other people who didn't get the prizes. When I didn't get a prize in a giveaway, I used to become sad but you don't have to be. The people who didn't get any prize These prizes are for you: All can offer in my trades. I will accept them gladly.
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