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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Diezoneyt

  1. Check it on your inventory promo code tab, you will recieve mystery boxes promo code not redeemed one
  2. You can check when the events are going to happen in the offical Pokemon Vortex discord server, where they update when the event is going to start and when everything will be explained you can check this on clicking events in the Discord server
  3. Just keep the name that maches to the color, style of it, like keep some name that matches pink color like cherry blossom, make sure you like the name that you change
  4. Would you accept premium pokemkns for xp training?
  5. i need you to hunt for me in 4th may for event pokemons
  6. can you do me exp training lets talk it in-gmae chat
  7. Do u Hunt Shiny pokemons? And i have a deal about you hunting the event pokemon on May the fourth with you event let me know are you intrested
  8. Send me again i have some space
  9. Send Friend request on IGN-Diezoneyt i will help u out Diezoneyt~
  10. So the link provided below is market value of pokemon https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R52OFy0qECHow3T62mi63Q1u34GVtt2J9zzXD-Gy2fg/edit#gid=1445652894 The Avergae price of legendaries Normal-60k-100k Mettalic-100k-150k Dark-100k-150k Mystic-100k-150 Shadow-300k-350k Shiny-750-1.5m The prices are slight changable depends on the pokemon
  11. He got banned ,So i think there is like no way of getting it back I Feel sorry for you
  12. I Feel bad for the clan u have mentoined us running by my friend i will tell hime to talk to the guy u mention to return the pokemon I Will try my best
  13. Another Shadow/Shiny Event pokemons bro from now it is also for trade
  14. Selling Normal-Arceus poison, arceus psychic,raquaza (MEGA) Mettalic-Arceus poison, arceus psychic,raquaza (Mega) Mystic -Arceus poision,Runerigus Shadow-Greninja (Ash), Arceus,Reshiram and so much more Shiny- Shiny Zeraora (Premium mon ) with 1.2m exp (LF Money) Check Pokebay auction - Happymood for shadow legendary and and normal and so much more stuffs
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