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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by spatel

  1. would you train above 1m exp
  2. ign spatel fav pokemons 1 charizard 2 palkia 3 gengar
  3. happy birthday ign: spatel fav poke: volcanion
  4. cosmog and any one of ur choice for my dark jedi
  5. How much exp for dark Jedi and togepi Halloween and 3 normal alonar starter
  6. How much exp for dark Jedi and togepi Halloween and 3 normal alonar starter
  7. How much exp for dark Jedi and togepi Halloween and 3 normal alonar starter
  8. Dark Jedi and all 3 alonar starter for 1
  9. spatel

    GGMU Trading Thread

    What else u can offer
  10. Yes I am offering for auction 1
  11. Dark Jedi and incineroar for 1
  12. spatel

    GGMU Trading Thread

    For and 11m experience
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