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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by bilal.anwar

  1. how much will you train for pika xmas and digmas set?
  2. your shadow hoopa or magearna for arceus water set + 2 unique completes?
  3. How much will you train for pika Xmas and diglett Xmas sets?
  4. umm sorry but I only want to trade them for unique legends which I don't have
  5. Tradingx4x4 x3 x5 x4. LF: 3-4 unique legends for each which I don't have. Ign: WorldOfFootball
  6. Sorry, I only have normal alolan starters in spares
  7. 3.5 mil exp for 5 normal alolan starters?
  8. I only need mystic and I have metallic for trade.
  9. 11 August 2014 Ign: WorldOfFootball Thanks for the giveaway
  10. Trading Unique Alolan starters for unique legends and Arceus Electrics or Waters. PM me for details
  11. WorldofFootball Only reason I play vortex cause I am addicted to it :)) #10 Thanks for the giveaway
  12. Trading Unique Rowlets, Unique littens and unique popplios (total of 17 unique starters) PM me your offers.
  13. Thanks Please offer on anything uft on ign WorldOfFootball.
  14. http://prntscr.com/doyanh




    Result: Acc got banned in just 5-10 mins :((

    These are the people who are considered mods or social media editors.

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. bilal.anwar


      lvl 6 squirtles for volcanions and santapies? quite weird ^_^

    3. demonstriker


      squirtles for volca and santapies  xD.

    4. GodsWithin


      Kaylum's pretty generous 

  15. Done! How much time it will take?
  16. How much will you train for mystic digmas?
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