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On 6/27/2016 at 3:21 PM, JaymzIsUS said:

I Caught this last nightShiny UxieA cool Unique legi or 2 or 3 normal legis depending on what they are pretty straight forward.

Also A Kabuto!!! honeslty kinda want an OmanyteFor it. But if the offer is enticing enough i'll bite
Lemme know :)

I can give you an Omanyte for your Kabuto. It's UFT on ign: eurstin

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4 hours ago, eurstin said:

Looking for Shadow Arceus,Metallic Arceus, and Arceus

Offering Metallic Pikachu (Jedi)(open to negotiations)

Hey i have normal arceus what are u offering? Also are u giving pika jei fr one or fr all three...?

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