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Pokémon Vortex

You want it, I got it. (Maybe)

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haii! I'm quite new to this forum side of this site, but does anyone have at least a Eevee? It can be any level any type of verison! :3 Sorry if i'm just bring this out and all, but it's alright if you don't have one, it's just hard to find one really ;w;'

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1 hour ago, Nikirol said:

Do you want Shadow Grimer? Shadow Grimer

I saw your list of pokemons you want, so I hunted for them and found that one. Do you still look for it or you found this poke already?


If you want this poke, then what pokes can we trade?

Only the list from my main post I need :) I have all regular pokemon, sorry!

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37 minutes ago, buniichu said:

haii! I'm quite new to this forum side of this site, but does anyone have at least a Eevee? It can be any level any type of verison! :3 Sorry if i'm just bring this out and all, but it's alright if you don't have one, it's just hard to find one really ;w;'

Maybe make your own post so as not to hijack this thread :)

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