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Mystery Box update

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Still wondering what are the events that will be obtainable through the :442853113_MysteryBox:  Mystery boxes from November 1st 2019? This forum post will help you to know which event will be available. 


The following pokes will be obtainable through :442853113_MysteryBox: Mystery boxes from 1st November 2019!!

All the previous events that is- 


  1. 721 Volcanion
  2. Piakchu cosplays they are -025BeMS.png Pikachu (Belle),025LiMS.pngPikachu (Libre),025PhMS.png Pikachu (Ph.D.),025PoMS.png Pikachu (Pop Star) &025RoMS.png Pikachu (Rock Star).

  3. Kyurem forms they are -646WMS.png Kyurem (White) &646BMS.png Kyurem (Black).

  4. Zygarde forms they are -718CorMS.png  Zygarde (Core),718ParMS.png Zygarde (Partial) &718ComMS.png Zygarde (Complete).

  5. Vivillon forms they are -666PokMS.png Vivillon (Pokeball) &666FanMS.png Vivivllon (Fancy).

  6. 493WatMS.pngArceus (Water).

  7. 479PMS.png Rotom (Pokedex).

  8. 493EleMS.png Arceus (Electric).

  9. Deoxys forms they are -386AMS.png Deoxys (Attack),386DMS.png Deoxys (Defense) &386SMS.png Deoxys (Speed).

  10. 493IceMS.png Arceus (Ice).

  11. 493DarMS.png Arceus (Dark).

  12. 670EMS.png Floette (Eternal).
  13. 647RMS.png Keldeo (Resolute).

  14. Therian forms they are - 641TMS.png Tornadus (Therian),642TMS.png Thundurus (Therian) &645TMS.png Landorus (Therian).

  15. 493FigMS.png Arceus (Fighting).

  16. 649BMS.png Genesect (Blaze).

  17. Arceus Trifecta forms they are - 493GraMS.png Arceus (Grass),493SteMS.png Arceus (Steel) &493RocMS.png Arceus (Rock).

   18.649IMS.png  Genesect (Ice).

   19. 000MS.pngMissingno.



every past event Pokémon will be included and as events are rolled out and end, that Pokémon will join the Mystery Box Pokémon pool.


                                                                                 New Arrivals!


1)801MS.png  Magearna Available from 1st November 2019.

2) Rotom forms are back they are - 479CMS.png Rotom (Cut),479FMS.pngRotom (Frost),479HMS.png Rotom (Heat),479SMS.png Rotom (Spin) and479WMS.png Rotom (Wash).

3) 493Arceus (Dragon) Available from April 2021.

4) 658 Greninja (Ash) Available from January 2022.
5) 720 Hoopa Available from January 2022.

6) 493 Arceus (Fire) available from May 6th 2022. 




(1) Why is Christmas and Halloween events not added into this list?

Ans) They are seasonal event pokemons. They will not be obtainable through mystery boxes.


(2) When is this update into action?

Ans) You can get all previous event pokemon's through Mystery Boxes from 1st November 2019.


(3) Where can we get Mystery Boxes?

Ans) You can buy them from the Pokemon Vortex store or buy they through Pokebay auctions.


(4) Will the future event be added into the rarity pool?

Ans) Yes, each and every event poke will join the Mystery Box rarity pool, except the seasonals like Christmas, Halloween etc.


(5) Why is Porygon forms not in this list?

Ans) You can obtain Porygon forms by placing in top 100 in a season. 


(6) Why is Furfrou forms not in this list?

Ans) Furfrou forms are always pokebay exclusive auctions and will be back on pokebay from time to time. Furfrou (Heart) is Valentine's Day exclusive (14th February) and Furfrou (Star) is Christmas exclusive (25th December) 


(7) Why is Cosmog not in this list?

Ans) Cosmog is obtainable only through Pokemon Vortex Discord quizzes. 


(8) Why is Arceus (Unknown) not in this list?
Ans) Arceus (Unknown) is only obtainable through lottery.


(9) Why is Articuno (Galarian)Zapdos (Galarian) & Moltres (Galarian) not in this list?
Ans) The Galarian birds is only obtainable through the Seasons rewards shop. 


(10) Why is Necrozma forms not in this list? 

Ans) Necrozma forms were released with the Hisuian update. You can now fuse N%20Solarizer.png Necrozma + Solgaleo to form Necrozma (Dusk Mane) or N%20Lunarizer.png Necrozma + Lunala to form Necrozma (Dawn Wings). You can either evolve Ultranecrozium%20Z.png Necrozma (Dawn Wings) or Ultranecrozium%20Z.png Necrozma (Dusk Mane) to form Necrozma (Ultra).


(11) When can you get your hands on new event pokes?
Ans) When a new event pokemon is released the previous event will get added. For instance Arceus (Fire) got added to the mystery box rarity pool when Meloetta (Pirouette) event started. 


Hope this post helped you guys.


Edited by omg414
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