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Welcome to the Exotic stop!

What I have for sale and estimate of how much i want for it pokedollars and pokemon accepted...will haggle and trade!! check my inggame page



rayquaza (mega)450kgroudon200k




shiny houndoom (mega)630kshiny hydreigon300kShiny Absol (Mega)700kShiny Garchomp500kshiny dragonite450k



5dark charizard (mega x)450kDark Hydreigon350kDark Haxorus300kDark Metagross300k


mystic salamence (mega)mystic swampert (mega) 300k



metallic charizard (mega x)450k


Shadow Kommo-o200kShadow Aggron (Mega)980kShadow garchomp (mega)980k



My main wants are

-normal -(want shadow and shiny or any versions of them 


re orb blue orb or primal versions of kyogre or groudon, I want Mewtwo Armored and thats it/

-shinys:shiny rayquaza (mega)shiny charizardshiny charizard (mega x) ,shiny salamenceshiny salamence (mega)shiny tyranitarshiny tyranitar (mega)


i also want the shadow versions of the above pokemon





Edited by anubis25
updated list feb 9all sold and new purchases
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On 1/22/2021 at 8:36 PM, LiteNite1 said:

I see you are looking for a dark mewtwo, I have one. What would you offer in exchange?

dark ho-ohordark palkia for d. mewtwo dark mewtwo


On 1/22/2021 at 1:38 PM, SofiX said:

I do not know its name, the blue winged eel

dratinicereserved for you at @ 400k

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On 22/01/2021 at 5:09 PM, anubis25 said:

What I have for sale and estimate of how much i want for it...will haggle and trade



arceus (dark)650kdratinicex2 500kgroudonx2 240karticuno200kmewtwo (evolution)1.8Msuicune200kkyuremx2 190kzapdos200k

zekromx2 230k



Shiny lugia950k


dark dratinice750kdark palkia550kdark ho-oh550kdark rayquaza (mega)1.5M


mystic darkrai350kmystic dratinice750kmystic dialga550kmystic dragonite500kmystic salamence (mega) 950kmystic swampert (mega)700kmystic reshiram350k



metallic darkrai200kMetallic Tornadus550kmetallic charizard (mega x)1.3M


shadow kyurem600kshadow dialga950k


My main wants are

-normal -kyurem blackkkkkk

-shinys: Rayquaza , charmander, salamence, lucario, lugia

-darks- charmandr, mew2, mega  garchomp, mega salamence  
megas- dark tyranitar, dark or norm or shadowsalamence, shadow charizard

Hey @anubis25 I am booking up Shiny Lugiawhen I have 5 mill in my pocket then I will purchase it, till then Dont let anyone buy this! It wont take long for me to gather money I already have 2 mills pds 🙂

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On 1/22/2021 at 5:09 PM, anubis25 said:

What I have for sale and estimate of how much i want for it...will haggle and trade



arceus (dark)650kdratinicex2 500kgroudonx2 240karticuno200kmewtwo (evolution)1.8Msuicune200kkyuremx2 190kzapdos200k

zekromx2 230k



Shiny lugia950k


dark dratinice750kdark palkia550kdark ho-oh550kdark rayquaza (mega)1.5M


mystic darkrai350kmystic dratinice750kmystic dialga550kmystic dragonite500kmystic salamence (mega) 950kmystic swampert (mega)700kmystic reshiram350k



metallic darkrai200kMetallic Tornadus550kmetallic charizard (mega x)1.3M


shadow kyurem600kshadow dialga950k


My main wants are

-normal -kyurem blackkkkkk

-shinys: Rayquaza , charmander, salamence, lucario, lugia

-darks- charmandr, mew2, mega  garchomp, mega salamence  
megas- dark tyranitar, dark or norm or shadowsalamence, shadow charizard

I can offer money for arceus dark 650k

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On 1/29/2021 at 12:07 PM, Hardieboi said:

I can offer money for arceus dark 650k

unfortunately sold :(


On 1/27/2021 at 2:46 PM, SobblePlayz said:

I want Mega Rayquaza 

Rayquaza (Mega)

make offer i have dark mega rayquazadark rayquaza (mega)


On 1/27/2021 at 7:21 AM, V7xyz said:

Hey @anubis25 I am booking up Shiny Lugiawhen I have 5 mill in my pocket then I will purchase it, till then Dont let anyone buy this! It wont take long for me to gather money I already have 2 mills pds 🙂

its inn trade friend holding on


list has been updated with sold and new purchasesMetallic Blastoise (mega)

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On 22/01/2021 at 5:09 PM, anubis25 said:

What I have for sale and estimate of how much i want for it...will haggle and trade!!

Welcome to the Exotic stop!


dratinice 500kgroudonx2 240karticuno230kmewtwo (evolution)1.5Msuicune230kkyurem 190k

zekrom 230kreshiram 230k



Shiny lugia1.5M


dark dratinice750kdark ho-oh450kdark rayquaza (mega)1.5Mdark dratinice750k


mystic darkrai350kmystic dratinice750kmystic dragonite300kmystic salamence (mega) 950kmystic swampert (mega)500kmystic dratinice750k



metallic darkrai200kmetallic charizard (mega x)1.3MMetallic Blastoise (Mega)600k


shadow kyurem600kshadow dialga950kshadow dratinice750k



My main wants are

-normal -kyurem blackkkkkk

-shinys: Rayquaza , charmander, salamence, lucario, lugia

-darks- charmandr, mew2, mega  garchomp, mega salamence  
megas- dark tyranitar, dark or norm or shadowsalamence, shadow charizard

Are you only taking Pokedollars Cuz I want a Zekromand will give 1x Darkraiand 1x Mew

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