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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by sas

  1. do you want shiny core for it?
  2. Looking for special (unique) cores. Trading 3x special (unique) cells for each core. Shiny Core= 3x Shiny Cell Shadow/Mystic/Dark/Metallic Core= 3x Shadow/Mystic/Dark/Metallic Cell PM me if interested. Thanks.
  3. seems you have used those cells for making a zygarde partial. all those cells become glitched pokemons with zero after fusion. so please don't blame tcuz if you had fused the cells. Hope your misunderstanding is clear now.
  4. remove your palkia from trade and then put it up on trade again. it will solve the problem for the time being. hopefully permanent fix will be applied by Patrick soon.
  5. Clear your browser cache. Hope it will fix the problem.
  6. Trading normal zygarde core Looking for special (unique) zygarde legends Don't expect a one on one trade. Need many legends for my core. Please PM your offers. Thanks.
  7. Hi Admin, Please check this ign = Doviss604 This guy is quite exceptional in catching cores and cells. He owns way too many Zygarde Complete. I strongly feel that something is wrong. Please take a look into his account. Thanks.
  8. Hi Admin, Please check this ign = Silverware He also has 13 cores which includes 8 special (unique) cores. And he seems to be catching them a bit too often. Kindly look into this account, if he is doing the same as NuclearFreak. Thanks.
  9. actually there isn't any fixed amount of time required to catch legendaries but few hours should be enough to catch few or atleast 1 legend pokemon.
  10. 20 minutes is too less. Try searching for several hours before giving up.
  11. Thanks for taking action against NuclearFreak


    please make the event fair for all so that we all can enjoy

  12. Hi Admin, Please check this ign= NuclearFreak This guy managed to catch over 60 Zygarde Cores which includes over 30 special (unique) cores and he seems to be catching cores at an unbelievable rate. And I don't think that he is just too lucky while we all are just unlucky. I have been searching the maps for several hours now and haven't found a single core yet. And I am not alone. There are too many members who haven't found one core yet. And there are some member like the one mentioned above who has managed to get over 60. This imbalance is certainly not due to being unlucky or lucky. Kindly look into the matter as soon as possible. Thanks.
  13. I had complained about this a long time ago, but no reply came from Patrick. Hope he replies to this issue now.
  14. Hi Admin/Mods, I just noticed that the 4th move of Ledian is mis-spelled as Silver Wand instead of Silver Wind. And hence it doesn't has any effect or damage on the opponent's pokemon. Please fix it. Thanks.
  15. sas

    Offer Duplicates

    Hi Admin, I personally use multiple accounts in the game. And I feel many more members do have multiple accounts as well. I like to keep my main account free from my duplicate/spare pokemons. Also I like to keep my dulicate legends on another account. And I always mess up my main account with duplicates and it takes a lot of time to shift my duplicate pokemons to my other accounts. While making offer on another pokemon we don't have any filter at the moment. But while putting up pokemons on trade, we have 1+6 filters as all, normal, dark, metallic, mystic, shadow and shiny. I would like to request you to put up some special filters to find all the duplicates while making offers, also the highest exp pokemon must be excluded. For eg. if I have 4 charmander say levels 5,10,15 and 20 with 2500, 5000, 7500 and 10000 exp respectively. In this situation, all the charmander except the one with highest exp which is 10000 must be excluded while showing up duplicates. I know there are already requests about filtering pokemon by their types like water type, fire type, etc. But I haven't seen any request about a filter to find to duplicates while making offers. Another request is that there must be a check all or uncheck all or check/uncheck range while making offer or putting pokemons on trade. This will make it a bit easier to transfer duplicate pokemons to alternative account as well as it will help us in filling our pokedex with the highest exp pokemons. I don't have any idea about coding, so I am practically a noob and I don't know how you will be able to make such filters. But those filters will help a lot of us or may be most of the people playing this wonderful game. Thank you.
  16. sas


    it has been 53 minutes and yet there are no updates.
  17. i have archipelago and continental. need your special spewpas. please don't evolve them. let me know whether you want shiny vivillons or normal ones?
  18. sas

    idea's part 2

    in my opinion, we need password to login to our accounts. if our account password is well secured then we don't need to have anymore passwords for trade purpose.
  19. ign= sas1 my favourite pokemon = charmander
  20. ign= sas1 next event = furfrou forms
  21. ign= sas1 =next event= if old==volcanion or zygarde forms or pikachu cosplay if new==furfrou forms, floette eternal, dratini forms or magearna
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