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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Updates posted by Loki

  1. Did anyone else notice that the countdown for v4 increased by a day?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Auke1993


      We don't know when V4 will release.
      The hope is before the end of the year, but no-one is certain at this time.

    3. carrliam761
    4. Loki


      Oh! I thought that's what the countdown was for. 

  2. I would really hate to see people not be able to win the prize because they didn't follow all of the rules, so I'm gonna be generous by making this announcement as I don't usually tell people if they made a mistake in their entry. If you do NOT follow all of the rules in your post, your entry will be discounted. So you have until the contest ends to edit your entry. There are some posts missing things, so please go back and check. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Goketa
    3. porymon


      is mine ok ??

    4. porymon


      Thanks for the reminder....i corrected mine :)

  3. Started a little giveaway that ends on December 1st. Be sure to head on over to the Contest sub-forum and check it out! 

  4. Well it's certainly been a while since I've last been on. Hey everyone!

  5. Due to real life issues I will not be as active as I once was. Responses may be slow. 

    1. v3567


      Real life? Where can I download that!


      Kidding, I hope everything sorts itself out. :)

    2. Loki


      Haha, thanks @v3567

  6. Happy Birthday Patrick! 

  7. Congrats to all winners in my latest giveaway! I look forward to seeing everyone's entries in my next giveaway ; )

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. porymon


      Thanks for the origin!

    3. ser0


      Thank you. I just got the Genesect set!

    4. Loki



      You're quite welcome! : )


  8. The rest of the prizes have been updated in my giveaway. Head on over to enter if you haven't already! Giveaway ends tomorrow, August 30th. There will be 13 chances to win, three of which are donations. May the odds be ever in your favor! 



    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Loki



      Haha, nah. I won't feel bad afterwards. I'll feel great. I've been doing giveaways on tons of different websites for ages, most containing valuable prizes. And I never regret any of 'em.

    3. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      Ooo I can't wait! Thanks @Loki You're the best and I love ya.

    4. Loki
  9. Remember to take it easy every now and then everyone. Be kind to yourselves : )

    1. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
    2. 123Aman-2


      what a GENEROUSITY you have....

    3. Loki


      Thanks! @MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.  



      Sometimes I think I'm too generous. Oh well! : )

  10. I question my decisions sometimes. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
    3. corgilover


      :P dont regret what already happened

    4. 123Aman-2


      Don't worry whatever u do is best... :) 

      So just cheers ... :D 

  11. Finally one of the top 100 trainers! 

  12. The fluctuation of speed of the servers is reminding me of Katy Perry's song, Hot N Cold. 

    1. glaceon001


      OMG haha

      Cause your hot then you're cold.

    2. Loki


      Your profile picture is driving me crazy. 

    3. glaceon001


      haha sorry

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