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Everything posted by manavsharma9231

  1. Almost forgot!!! The winner is Pangalan put pokemon uft on ur ign to claim prize
  2. Shadow Arceus water for any unique missingno.?
  3. Due to some popular requests, I'm hosting another giveaway! Prize Rules to enter Goodluck!
  4. http://prntscr.com/cu284k No. 56 i.e @Iceflake99109 (Trading Only) won. Put a Poke UFT on ur ign to claim the prize. If you don't claim prize in 24 Hrs the list will be re rolled. #Reroll for reroll
  5. Well OVOXO won his Dark Unknown in Showdown but ThunderBird, Uncle Psychic etc. gt from helping Vortex.
  6. There is no Intro Boi! Rules to enter Prize huh...? Prize to one person only, Good Luck!
  7. Has the event started?

    1. Prateekkm2001
    2. v3567


      No, but you can still do the sidequests and look for Arceus' :)

  8. Can you train my to 3 Hearts each for my I know you are closing but still if you can it will be a great help .
  9. RecycleBin I know it's cheezy but it's grate DC Suicide Squad
  10. I was offered a Shiny Sylveon that is just Lvl 8, I doubt that it is not legit. Someone please help me identifying it . Here are the details,
  11. Whoa!!!! Ill put all my spare legends UFT as VITOL suggested and ill look for gr8 offers only
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