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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by EchoCHALLENGE

  1. Trading : High Class : , and Medium Class: Low Class : , and Notable: , , ,
  2. Rates are messed up in my opinion
  3. 750k rotom wash, 100k mystic type null The highest I would do is maybe 15 mil for 1
  4. Don't you dare try to use my exp shop for yourself, make your own thread.
  5. Is there a way that we can change the Poleball on the bottom of the forums name?
  6. Is there any way us members can get Arceus (Unknown) with our OT? I know you need to help vortex but how do we do that?
  7. Ooh I’m interested in the buzzwole how much for it?
  8. Oh but unique deoxys forms are worth 10 DPs each...
  9. IGN : EchoCHALLENGE thanks so much for the giveaway!
  10. I would give you 7.5 mil per one, or 40mil for the whole set of them Can you name it?

    [LF] Trainer

    I could help if you wish. I understand if there are too many people
  12. Serious offers only now, please OPEN TO TRAIN EXP FOR LEGGIES
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