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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by red_wolf_

  1. i dont think you can get iv and ev you can get exp tho
  2. should this be my new profile pictureAWE10.png

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. red_wolf_
    3. Chickochickoo
    4. red_wolf_


      how about this so im trying to get the galer birds and if i dont get one im going to make this my me profile picture for a whole month

  3. you can tell someone made a alt account
  4. welp @iweimax0524 you beanten be in the first round of the kanto tournament gg im try to get better at pokemon showdown well if of you dont win this one im battle you in the johto one good luck in this tournament hope you win i wont go easy on the next battle

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. red_wolf_


      if im champion in one of them

    3. jonah24


      wow you play pokemon showdown


    4. nfl0


      us there something amazing about that?

  5. ign red_wolf_ i would like Mystic Alolan Marowak thanks for the giveaway
  6. if hes not online tomorrow you adadicly win
  7. when every one else finishes their battles you will go against @iweimax0524
  8. he has told me he quit so this means you admadicly won
  9. i texted him in game hes not online yet tho if he does not battle in 2 days you admadicly win
  10. it takes a long time to find them thats why
  11. when a battle is complete send me a screenshot of who won i also forgot o say you can only use gen 1 pokemon but you cant use legendaries to make it a bit more fair
  12. pokemon showdown kanto tournament battles

    4567ash vs Regitwo
    Chickochickoo vs India07
    EILTE_PYThon vs Dark-Entei
    nlf0 vs DecayingDecoy
    Nik1234 vs Tazzer
    Babby246 vs Sanathandsaathvik
    Ejsky123 vs Lillyzard
    Iweimax0524 vs Red_wolf_

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. red_wolf_


      its ok me and iwelmax0524 will probably do this again some other time

    3. blazelog


      can i join


    4. red_wolf_


      sorry all the spots are filled

  13. random codes i dont need



    you can get them if you want

    1. Lillyzard


      wow great i got a magikarp and shiny stone. well that is not that bad, right?  


  14. here are the battles 4567ash vs Regitwo Chickochickoo vs India07 EILTE_PYThon vs Dark-Entei nlf0 vs DecayingDecoy Nik1234 vs Tazzer Babby246 vs Sanathandsaathvik Ejsky123 vs Lillyzard Iweimax0524 vs Red_wolf_
  15. wouldn't seem worth it cuz i got a dark zubat (halloween) i could just evolve it but sure
  16. i have some other event pokemon my ign:red_wolf_
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