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Everything posted by PokemonZayden

  1. Tagging @Tritre to state a point to them. I would in my opinion love to have breeding but the "drawback" of breeding rare mons and legends can just be limited like the mainline games. Because you could "breed-lock" the rare events and legendaries and make them unable to breed at all but you can make the things that normally breed in the games able to breed. Im pretty sure limitations have been set on things before and this isnt any different. Anyone who disagrees may state their disagreement, of course positive feedback is welcome as well.
  2. Look in my profile to see what you want
  3. not bad then we can refight legis and ub if we didnt already
  4. Thanks for the proof now moderators can help you out
  5. Id say take your screenshot, go to lightshot, make it a link and copy paste the link into the text box
  6. So if thats the problem can you screenshot it?
  7. What is this trouble take a screenshot
  8. I need let me know if you have them
  9. IGN: PokemonZayden Id really like to have Solgaleo or Lunala so I want Cosmog please
  10. Ok so you just find a wild pokemon that you want, click Battle, pick what Pokemon to fight it with, weaken it a bit and id recommend using Ultra Balls for semi-highest catch rate( except ofc a master ball )
  11. I meant I want it from you please
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