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Everything posted by Ashketchumthebest

  1. I will. My IGN is: ashketchumthebest I will trade you one of my Pokémon for it
  2. Will you hunt ? my ign: ashketchumthebest
  3. How many pds for armored ? I can only afford up to 300,000
  4. How much for shiny and shiny mega gengar and the event floette?
  5. I’m trading my shiny phione for something worth it. My IGN is ashketchumthebest. PLZ trade me
  6. I know but some people don’t, so I’m looking for them
  7. I’m trading a darkrai. My IGN is ashketchumthebest. PLZ trade me
  8. can I get missingno. For a shiny aegislash in blade forme?
  9. I’ll give you lv100 shiny golem for the shiny charizard. My IGN is: ashketchumthebest
  10. I will trade a zygarde for your zeraora, or a mew for your zygarde. My ign is: ashketchumthebest
  11. My ign is: ashketchumthebest hope I get something good!
  12. My ign is: ashketchumthebest hope I get something good!
  13. My ign is: ashketchumthebest i have a shiny sub at I don’t want
  14. Mega swampert plz. My ign is :ashketchumthebest
  15. My ign is: ashketchumthebest Thanks
  16. My IGN is ashketchumthebest hope I get something good!
  17. I’ll trade you my shiny zangoose for your shiny Morpeko. My IGN is: ashketchumthebest
  18. I just offered a Chingling for it. My IGN is: ashketchumthebest.
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