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Everything posted by SofiX

  1. Hello! I am so sorry to announce that I cannot train your poke for 2 days, since I do not have the time. I will put your poke in my team, just to assure that it is safe and sound.

  2. Hello! I am so sorry to announce that I cannot train your Pichu for 2 days, since I do not have the time. You can take a look, the Pichu is in my team, untouched.

    1. SAMUEL.D.S


      ok then, just tell me if ur done, it doesnt matter if it takes a little bit longer right?

  3. Ok, I have a Zubat (Halloween) What do you want for it?
  4. I want the Missingno. I will give a Deoxys (Speed). Deal?

  5. How many hearts? 1, 2 or 3?

    1. fatboifinn


      how much for 3 what Pokemon

    2. fatboifinn


      I got celebi


    3. fatboifinn


      shiny gardevior

  6. Sure! For the Alcremie? Actually, I've changed my mind. I want the Belle Pikachu.
  7. SofiX

    Pls trade

    I have a Groudon, I will trade for a few legendary pokes.
  8. Hello! Yes, I am asking again. Sorry if I am making you bored, but do you have any event poke that you would give for 3(or 4) legendarys, a Dusknoir with 100k exp and 100k pds? P.S. Yes, I am trying to get an event, but I just cannot! That's why I come here over and over again to try to make a final deal. P.P.S. I am most interested in you Alcremie(Star). Since it is high exp, I will give an additional high exp poke. P.P.P.S. I cannot give the Deoxys, since someone wanna trade it for a Necrozma. (PLEASE, do not change his mind). I can also heart train, look at my topic about it to see the prices. If you want, i can heart train 3 of your pokes for the Alcremie.
  9. I can give all my pds, a Mewtwo,a Dratilinic and a Dusknoir with 100k exp for a level 100 Alcremie (Love)
  10. I also want it, but the PEOPLE ALWAYS OUTBID ME!!!
  11. Hello! You let me heart train your  Pichu. I currently got 1 heart on it. In a few days, I will give you the poke back.

  12. O hello! You just followed me. Thanks!

  13. Normal Mega Raquaza 

  14. Hello! I am gonna get a Necrozma in a month(?) or so, and when I get it, I will probs trade it with you.

    1. SAMUEL.D.S


      ok good, ill probably give you lots of stuff 

  15. What do you want for the Zubat?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SofiX


      I will give a eevee.

    3. SofiX


      Actually, no. I will give 2 legendarys.

    4. SofiX


      I will give an Eevee. I found it now. Put the Zubat up for trade, and I will offer.

  16. I want the Cosmog.

    1. flyingfinn


      i dont have a cosmog bro, i was saying i wanted one

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