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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by SemiHorizon

  1. I looked trough you pokes and none of them intrested me sorry
  2. I want volcanion missingno and dark deoxys defence
  3. Yes you have to finish the region to unlock the pokemon and if you reset you will not get the alolan or pokemon but you will get the galar ones
  4. Looking for Hope you give good pokemon so i can accept the trade also I will accept mystery boxes and money also.
  5. that is a bad trade i am declining
  6. hello everybody I will be trading or or However gives me the best offer i will accept it tell me the pokemon you will give and tell me the pokemon you want
  7. ign semihorizon hope for dexys spped or mewtwo evulution
  8. tell you what friend me in game and we can chat about it
  9. Hello everybody! I am looking for some pokemon you can tell me if you have it and you can look in to my pokemon to see what you want pokemon i want: Thank you if you give me any of these pokemon i will also accept mystery boxes my ign for the pokemon you want is semihorizon Thank you again if you give me these poekmon
  10. Hello if anybody wants to trade with me you can put it here or in my account semihorizon you can look at my ppokes tell what you want make your offer then if it is a good offer i will accept if it is bad i will say sorry bad trade
  11. Thx rms701 has offered on your Haxorus. Please train all 6 golbat to 3 hearts, and do not evolve them. Message rms701 in-game when ur done with training.
  12. Hello, there Can u train my to 2 mil exp?
  13. Ok, you guys. If u want to train, I need to find out what u want. You will get and some other poke Some other poke means I wont be giving my happiness evolutions, mega evolutions, starters, or ub's, or premiums. All of you, can you tell me here what other poke you want, along with Landorus (Therian)? Then, we can cooperate.
  14. Hello, everyone! I am looking for someone to train my to 3 hearts. If you do accept, please don't evolve them into Crobat, and just give them back. I will give you and some other poke *SOme other poke means I wont be giving my stone evolutions, mega evolutions, starters, or ub's, or premiums. BTW: this is rms701 asking, not semihorizon
  15. People! rms701 just messaged me saying he can't give out giveaway winners yet because school. His summer vacation will be on 6/4, and will surely give out giveaway winners on 6/6.
  16. Duh. Go to battle any member, type in typefairy, and you'll battle 6 Hydreigon. They will all use DRagon moves, which will have no effect on your Fairy. After u beat the 6 hydreigon, you get lots of exp and u get high leveled. This typefairy is a great way to train fairy types. Duh.
  17. Read the bottom of what rms701 said. He said Winners will be announced on June 2nd, 2021 (US CST)
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