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Pokémon Vortex


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About Avix

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  1. That’s not how it works, go to seasonal top trainers, scroll down and u can see how long more will it last, if ur still top 100 after that time ends u will get the vc
  2. Sorry to bother everyone but I bought mystery boxes and its not entering my account, is there a reason why?
  3. Hi I have a cosmog u wanna trade for it?
  4. If u have discord u can join the Pokémon vortex discord and go to bot command, there, u can search up the value of any Pokémon + variant
  5. bro u agreed on catching for me a shiny Groupon like 1 month ago
  6. I have 2, do u wanna buy it or trade something for it.

    1. waybig


      I just want 1...how much do mega stones go for nowadays? I could give you a legend for it

    2. Avix


      Yea sure, sorry for late reply :(

  7. There’s only web version
  8. U can battle random people with only 1 Pokémon, it will be faster
  9. Omg can I have a Christmas caterpie
  10. Uhm then shiny Groudon pls thanksss

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Avix


      Just curious how long is it gonna take

    3. KinsKyle


      at least 4 days, one of my team members are working on it now

    4. Avix


      Oh wow ok 👍 

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