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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Lethal_Entity

  1. This easily fits in my top 10 biggest rip offs I've ever seen, shadow darkrai = 500k MAX and shadow darkrown = 300k MAX. So if people were to pay the max price for them if wouldn't even reach 1m ................terrible deal. If anyone wants both these pokes ask me I'll give both for 1m.
  2. not a problem catch em for 100k per shiny.
  3. why do we need this one? we already have chris_ community trading thread.
  4. Sorry then not looking for that. Have a good day
  5. Don't like this idea, this would only increase the gap between the top seasonal players, also making it 3 months long would really demotivate people to even participate since that would mean 3 months of continuous grind compared to the now 1 month. Personally I cant spend 3 months grinding for seasonals it would make the game very repetitive and a pain in the ass. Also to people like me who aren't as smart as you, I cant understand such complicated stuff.
  6. If you can do minimum 1m exp per day I dont mind paying 1 : 4........need to reach 100m pure exp by the end of this month.
  7. Just use 6x dark sableyes or refer to YaziRs topic he explains it perfectly there.
  8. Here's the thing, each type is super-effective against another type and each type is weak to another type. Trainers use training accounts to exp train the pokemon, the training accounts consist of pokemon which are super-effected by certain type moves. For eg: rayquaza is a dragon type so its dragon type moves are super-effective against other dragon types, so the account TypeDragon consists of only dragon type pokemon but those pokemon's attacks are changed such that those attacks hardly damage the rayquaza at all. What you said may apply to sidequests but certainly not to exp training. In this post pretty much everything is explained so just go through that and there have been previous topics of such questions so it'll be much better if you just search for them and read the answers.
  9. Frog dollars seriously Dies from cringe
  10. Seasonal points by catching/obtaining uniques , training (immunes or exp) and evolving too.
  11. Skill Issue if you're using hydro pump to catch a groudon.
  12. Yes there is an option called "available to chat" which if you toggle off, you cant see that person's chat tab in the list. Also I already answered this to you through mail like 5 minutes ago 😅
  13. I believe its the framerate, I have hardware acceleration enabled in Opera and Chrome. The problem seems to be only with Opera and Firefox, on chrome the map ran as usual although I have never used chrome for anything till date. I would like to know if the issue can be fixed on Firefox or Opera but if not, no problem since its working in chrome. Thanks for the solution 😁. Edit : Its gone back to normal in Opera and Firefox as well.......not sure why.
  14. There were past threads of this occurrence and I searched through all of them for a solution, but I haven't been able to fix the problem yet with the solutions listed in those topics.
  15. Internet connection bad for a full day? Also I mentioned everything else works perfectly, and I still watch 1080p movies when I train exp so internet is certainly not a problem.
  16. Yesterday when I went to explore the maps, I faced a ton of lag which had never happened before I thought it was a temporary thing and would get fixed soon. Sadly today when I opened the maps the lag is still present. Movements register 3-4 seconds after I press the keys and other players are literally teleporting.......yeah. Everything else works perfectly other than the maps, nothing has changed. I tried closing all the other tabs I had open, even closed all the other applications running on my laptop but the lag still continues. Need a fix please. Edit : I already tried playing in low graphics which did not make much of a difference, the lag is reduced but its still high enough to be unplayable.
  17. Sprites not clothes, that small little kid which moves when you press W,A,S,D (or arrow keys) in the map is a sprite in layman's terms.
  18. Cringe, 100% gonna stop playing if the variants are changed to these.
  19. Ign : pokeaction1 ......Well first of all thank you for the giveaway, I could write a fake, sympathetic, long answer as to why I want to win this giveaway but I'll be honest instead, I just want the shiny dratinilic now you could say "why not just buy one from auctions" and I would reply "but thats different from winning someone's first giveaway".......(also it just an aesthetic thing so I prefer it over the mewtwo evo). My favourite pokemon would certainly be typhlosion as ever since I started playing pokemon games the pokemon and its name felt really bad-ass to me and it has the ability to learn the attack "eruption" (one of the highest damaging fire type moves, in fact it was the highest I believe before mega stones came out). Also in every pokemon game I played if I had the option to choose cyndaquil (eventually typhlosion) as my starter I would certainly go for it unless I already had a means to get a cyndaquil. So yeah in short its my fav poke cuz of nostalgia .
  20. Lf exp training, dm me if you can do. ign : pokeaction1 (the ign sucks cuz I was like 10 when I put it and im too lazy to create a new acc )
  21. Accepted file types: gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp · Max file size: 0.49MB Go to your profile Just above reputation you will see your profile pic, yours is a "D'' at the moment, on the lower left side of the circle which contains your profile pic there is an option called "profile photo" enclosed in a small square. Click on that and a pop-up will open on your screen with two options "Upload photo" or "Remove photo", choose "remove photo" if you want to change your profile pic back to default (the "D" you have right now is your default profile pic). Select "Upload photo" and just select the pic or gif you want as your pfp. For reference : https://imgur.com/a/nO2Uw00
  22. You got super trash people as friends, no offense
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