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Everything posted by Godzilla123456

  1. Wdym he didnt know, he literally covered Yui's name 💀
  2. How did he "not know" it was Yui's after putting a logo on Yui's name and putting his name seperately on the map.
  3. Will votes help it get in game? Cuz then there's no point in the votes.
  4. Ikr, that link is literally in my bookmarks of the browser I use, its very helpful
  5. You sold your Mystic Guzzlord didnt you I saw it on auctions yesterday
  6. Hi there, IGN : Godzilla123456 I do exp training. Maximum I do is 1.5mil, rates = 1:2.
  7. #0004942196 Just check this auction
  8. If you wanna see who follows you in forums then click your profile picture on the top left of your screen and scroll down a bit.
  9. Is there any rule in the forums | example : If this topic gets 10 upvotes, it'll get added in the game?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Auke1993


      Such a rule does not exist.
      A feature that's really wanted by players may not be wanted by the developers.
      It may be really hard to implement or upkeep. The devs can also see the likely long-term effects of a certain feature, or are against it due to it not being in their vision for the game.

    3. Sneezeball


      @Godzilla123456 something needs to get 420 upvotes for it to be added to the game

    4. Godzilla123456
  10. This coudnt get better. Alakazam = Doctor Strange And maybe Ariados as Spider-Man
  11. I can do atleast 1mil exp training max. So please tell if there's anything worth 1mil exp
  12. Is it just me or, you're dumb for not being able to figure out such a easy thing.
  13. I've been looking for 4 hours non-stop, I coudnt even find one Victini or a Larvitar. I dont think its a bug or something, yet just informing
  14. Is it fine if we, lets say make new accounts for there starter pokemons?- I've seen this dude called Poke-goo just making accounts like poke-goo1, poke-goo2... n trading those starters to his main account. So is it cheating or not? Just wanted to know
  15. You can post this on status update rather than a topic.. I guess Anyways nice bro
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