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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. This is not a bug or error. If you have indeed done all gyms, elite 4s, champions, battle frontiers and battle maisons (double check) then you're just unlucky or not looking long enough. They're rare, don't expect to find them often.
  2. This is a bug in Chrome, I was aware of it before v4 was even finished. I can't do anything about it.
  3. You misunderstood, he's not saying you did it yourself. If you did then you would be banned. He's saying that the people that do this sometimes get their Pokémon out to other players through trade or PokéBay and unfortunately unwilling victims like yourself end up with it and lose it.
  4. Already reported and fixed in the next update. Please search to see if bugs are already reported before posting about them.
  5. @eurstin Passwords are encrypted so we do not have knowledge of what they are/were or the length of them. I've had a look at the account and can see you most likely used a fake email on it (I'd be surprised if you managed to get the email attached to it before someone else) However, I can still help you recover the account but it will require to talk to you directly for 10 minutes or so. When you have the time, come and speak with me on Discord about it and we'll see what we can do.
  6. There's an option to show other people on the maps in the 'Options'tab on the left side of the screen. (There is a bug with this setting that is fixed in the upcoming update so you might have issues with it until then)
  7. Only the default order of the seasonal leaderboard gives prizes so you want the highest points you can possibly get which is a balance of uniques, wins, total experience and average experience. ordering the leaderboard by uniques may put you at the top for that order but it’s possible you won’t be in the top 100 overall for points and you will not receive a Porygon form at the end of a season.
  8. I've updated the first post to clear up some confusion about this discussion.
  9. No it won't. If you have questions about things not related to this topic, use the Q&A forum please.
  10. I'd have to agree with this since you're vague with what's actually happening. Could we get a screenshot of what it says or something? Another possibility is you're trying to battle in two tabs at the same time - This can have negative side effects.
  11. This already exists, it's the seasonal leaderboard. Only things you catch and train yourself are counted AND it gives prizes.
  12. That's not possible. I won't explain why but it just isn't, unfortunately. Illegitimate experience will likely always be reset when the trainer of it is banned. Anyway, illegitimate experience isn't the topic being discussed so we'll leave that there.
  13. This already happens, it's just not triggered by a trade or auction.
  14. So an idea that has been floated since the early days of v3 but never implemented because of mixed opinions is a Pokémon over level 100 having its experience reset to 50,000 when traded or auctioned. Please also note, if this change does ever happen, all current traded experience will be unaffected. Today I'm looking for the players opinion on this potential change and I will explain my own pros and cons of the change. Please do not just reply with "I don't like it" or "Good idea" give constructive feedback - Why do you like or dislike it? Will it affect you? Do you care? and so on. Pros: It removes the risk factor of trading experience and later losing it because it turned out to be trained illegitimately. It creates an experience sink much like the PokéBay auction tax. Any experience owned you know was trained by the current owner. It stops mass trades/combining accounts to storm the leaderboards. Cons: People who don't have time to train themselves are at a disadvantage. Pokémon trained to high experience can never be traded/sold without losing the time/effort spent on it. It'll be much harder to climb leaderboards alone. So, tell us what you think. I'll be interested in hearing what everyone has to say. Notice! It seems a lot of people don't really understand what this discussion is about so I'll clear it up and I apologise for being vague previously. It has nothing to do with illegitimately obtained experience or stopping people from obtaining it. My idea of resetting experience when traded/auctioned is just an example of what is wanted. What I want is your own idea to achieve the same effect or opinion on my idea. So what do I mean by achieve the same effect? I'm looking for a way to make experience you did not train yourself not as appealing or valuable.
  15. This is already reported and fixed in the next update.
  16. This is already a reported issue and fixed in the next update. You can report and track existing bugs in this forum here: https://forums.pokemon-vortex.com/forum/41-report-bugs-errors/
  17. A plain but fitting and favourite of mine would be Chewbacca Ursaring.
  18. Account name changes is not something we offer and there is no plan to ever allow this.
  19. For privacy reasons we cannot tell you the email address associated with a specific account. I can, however, show you it obfuscated - If it is your email address and account then you should have no problem identifying it. luisito9 - c*****_****_1@h******.com
  20. It was a temporary issue that has been fixed.
  21. I cannot give the full email to you for privacy reasons but I can show you them obfuscated. If the accounts are really yours, you should have no problem working out which email you used on them with obfuscated email addresses. Blazekick007 - d*****r.d*****r@gmail.com Unknown_Arceus - s***********n1**************4@gmail.com
  22. Se considerará que has iniciado sesión en el juego dos veces, sí. Esto no es un problema, puedes hacer esto. Es un método legítimo de juego que muchas personas usan.
  23. It might help if you told us your username...
  24. Well this has never happened before (at least it hasn't been reported before) I see no issue that would cause it so all I can say is maybe you're mistaken and didn't choose Cyndaquil like you thought you did.
  25. Patrick


    Power is obviously the main focus of an attack as the higher the power is, the more damage it will do to the opponent but you also need to factor in what Pokémon you will be battling against, too. You don't want to walk into a battle with attacks that are all not very effective of do not hit at all because of an immunity. To maximise damage done, you want to teach a Pokémon an attack that is the same type as the Pokémon you're putting it on so you get STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) For example, a good move to teach a Charizard is Blast Burn but something like Rock Tomb wouldn't do as well unless you were battling a Pokémon weak against rock.
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