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Status Replies posted by Patrick

  1. My dad is male.

  2. Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates the holiday.

  3. Hey patrick,


    I will ask you this just once, Why did you ban me on game?

    I didn't glitch and I didn't try to do any kind of botting.


    1. Patrick



      This proves you own the account Shadowoftheday

      This is the profile comments of the account Shadowoftheday

      Now I guess you could argue you're not zep, right?

      Wrong - I've looked into the trails of your trades, log ins and so on. You're definitely zep and moved things periodically from the accounts livinglord and the-pokemon to zeppp to showcase to people what you're selling. The you put it back after.
      Finally, now we've proved you're zep - Here's one of the many occurrences you've been seen trying to sell Pokemon for real money.




      Good enough proof? See, it's not that I don't have it, it's that I shouldn't have to waste my time telling you what you did when you know very well that you did it. It's basically a last laugh at wasting my time and I do not have to do it so I don't. This is the one and only time I'll ever prove my reasoning behind a ban - I do not ban without concrete evidence.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hey patrick,


    I will ask you this just once, Why did you ban me on game?

    I didn't glitch and I didn't try to do any kind of botting.


    1. Patrick


      Because I don't give people proof of why they get banned. I have better things to do with my time than spend all the live-long day on sending people screenshots that can't follow rules.
      I wouldn't have been cocky but you ended your statement with a threat so I based my reply solely on that. Now that you're not threatening me, there's your valid and calm reason as to why I don't give people proof of bans.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hey patrick,


    I will ask you this just once, Why did you ban me on game?

    I didn't glitch and I didn't try to do any kind of botting.


    1. Patrick


      You know you were, why even argue the case? Also my servers are mine so you'll need to complain to me then.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hey patrick,


    I will ask you this just once, Why did you ban me on game?

    I didn't glitch and I didn't try to do any kind of botting.


  7. Hey patrick,


    I will ask you this just once, Why did you ban me on game?

    I didn't glitch and I didn't try to do any kind of botting.


    1. Patrick


      You were selling your Pokemon. Pretending it was someone else just doesn't work.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  8. Magearna (Original)Shiny Magearna (Original)

    Donate now for a Magearna (Original).
    $10 each for your choice of type out of Normal, Dark, Shiny, Mystic, Metallic or Shadow.
    When you donate, just send a message to Patrick in-game with the PayPal name and email address you donated with along with which type of Magearna (Original) you would like then wait for your promo code(s) to be sent back. It's that simple.

    This donation offer is only available for 96 hours so get one while you can.

  9. Hello @Patrick please say hi :o I am in need of love 

  10. 4912958.png

    I'll do it anyway.

  11. Contact me @ https://twitter.com/chrispkmnvrtx - follow and maybe v4 screenshots will appear in your feed. :=P:

  12. How can v4 exist when v3 is in beta? :thinking:

  13. @Patrick I see you're giving back, as in the case of U, don't worry, the answer is a resolute yes. I will accept the role of "Social Media Editor" back from you ;) 

  14. The new interface is pretty nice, but I find it annoying to constantly see that large event box above every page. (The one that filters through the Deoxys Event and the Discord quizes)

  15. couldn't the deoxys/cosmog notification be bigger?

  16. So what mission is everyone on and how do you like the event so far? (It's okay to say you don't like it)

  17. That moment when someone can capture a level 5 F Dratini and you're almost dead looking for one 


  18. Patrick's timezone is Earth +1 day

    so if it says 9th of feb

    it means the 10th


  19. Patrick's timezone is Earth +1 day

    so if it says 9th of feb

    it means the 10th


  20. Patrick's timezone is Earth +1 day

    so if it says 9th of feb

    it means the 10th


  21. Event details are up :D

  22. Patrick when will I get my alolan starter I voted for popplio

  23. Just created my first page on the Pokémon Vortex Wiki


  24. I see that people are now busy hunting down Deoxys. Event prep has begun I guess.

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