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Status Replies posted by 123Aman-2

  1. Which one do u guys think is a stronger move

    Image result for pokemon move thunder punch             VS          (Its just for fun :;):)

    Thunder Punch                                                       vs                                                               Chidori            

  2. where to return ur togipies back ??also ur dark togepi has 200 k so I want a normal legend for it ok ?

  3. I have 2 Splash Plate But 0 Arceus I m so unlucky:(  But I dont wanna waste my plates ... So if any anyone wants to convert his Arceus into (Water) ..... PM Me ..:) I won't cheat anyone..... 


  4. I have 2 Splash Plate But 0 Arceus I m so unlucky:(  But I dont wanna waste my plates ... So if any anyone wants to convert his Arceus into (Water) ..... PM Me ..:) I won't cheat anyone..... 


  5. We all need a bit of v4 in our lives. :<3_<3:


  6. We all need a bit of v4 in our lives. :<3_<3:


    1. 123Aman-2


      @glaceon001 it will not count as double - posted 'coz it is  posted in status update ...:)

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  7. We all need a bit of v4 in our lives. :<3_<3:


  8. We all need a bit of v4 in our lives. :<3_<3:


    1. 123Aman-2


      Q1. There will be all Side Quests available in v4 @Patrick ??

      Q2. Also will the lottery system is also v4 ??


      plz answer to these questions @Patrick...

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  9. is water is equal to donation pokes now

  10. looking for mystic, shiny and shadow arceus offering shadow bastiodon for whole set message me for trade

  11. What happened to your other account?

  12. Can anyone tell me who is the person currently having  Dark Rotom (Spin) ,Mystic Arceus (Ice) ,Mystic Rotom (Wash).....

    @Patrick@sportsandmusic69@Uncle_Psychic@Chris_   or any admin please....

  13. Can anyone tell me who is the person currently having  Dark Rotom (Spin) ,Mystic Arceus (Ice) ,Mystic Rotom (Wash).....

    @Patrick@sportsandmusic69@Uncle_Psychic@Chris_   or any admin please....

  14. What happened to your other account?

  15. Can anyone tell me who is the person currently having  Dark Rotom (Spin) ,Mystic Arceus (Ice) ,Mystic Rotom (Wash).....

    @Patrick@sportsandmusic69@Uncle_Psychic@Chris_   or any admin please....

  16. Can anyone tell me who is the person currently having  Dark Rotom (Spin) ,Mystic Arceus (Ice) ,Mystic Rotom (Wash).....

    @Patrick@sportsandmusic69@Uncle_Psychic@Chris_   or any admin please....

  17. Can anyone tell me who is the person currently having  Dark Rotom (Spin) ,Mystic Arceus (Ice) ,Mystic Rotom (Wash).....

    @Patrick@sportsandmusic69@Uncle_Psychic@Chris_   or any admin please....

  18. Can anyone tell me who is the person currently having  Dark Rotom (Spin) ,Mystic Arceus (Ice) ,Mystic Rotom (Wash).....

    @Patrick@sportsandmusic69@Uncle_Psychic@Chris_   or any admin please....

  19. Can anyone tell me who is the person currently having  Dark Rotom (Spin) ,Mystic Arceus (Ice) ,Mystic Rotom (Wash).....

    @Patrick@sportsandmusic69@Uncle_Psychic@Chris_   or any admin please....

  20. I need only 16 more uniques to reach 5,000!! Remember I'll do a giveaway as soon as I've reached this goal :)

  21. @StarPonyta20 R.I.P? No. No no. This is not good. #Starponyta20ComeBack. Who's with me?

  22. Holy!! OMG Blackbeardt The great Blackbeardt has been banned...#1 richiest player :o

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