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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by ser0

  1. Up For Trade (only for arceus) (with 3m exp) (with 3.333.333 exp) (with 1.666.666 exp) (with 888.888 exp) (with 777.777 exp) (with 666.666 exp) (with 555.555 exp) with 99999 exp each unique mega x has 50.000 exp. and selling zap plate. edit: zap plate is sold.
  2. i have 255 master pokeballs and i get 50 master ball reward instead of latiosite. okay...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seth1129400


      its the word of the wise :D 

    3. ser0


      if i didn't understand wrong you can't have more than 255 pokeballs for each type. So it's a useless reward after you hit the cap.

    4. seth1129400


      yep thats right , :D 255's the limit 

  3. Looking for unique arceus. Offering normal leggies, unique leggies or rotom dex.
  4. ign: ser0 Thank you. This community so generous. Wow!
  5. ign: ser0 thanks for the giveaway!
  6. ign: ser0 let's go RNG gods! Thanks for the giveaway btw!
  7. Wow, thanks man. It feels really good to win something!
  8. Lol, finding certain normal uniques is harder than finding legendaries... Challenge accepted.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
    3. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      Good luck, broski(no homo)!

    4. ser0


      Thanks bro. Good luck to all of us on taking our souls back from vortex. :D

  9. i can offer three of them for 2 shadow mewtwo
  10. Have shadow combee (f) metallic shellost (east), metallic burmy sand f and mystib burmy sand f. What's your ign where i can check for uniques?
  11. That feel when there's no pokeball symbol by the name of pokemon you encounter in the maps! Oh, that feel...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eurstin


      That moment when you feel the need to criticize someone's spelling. *pokeball *you're :D

    3. ser0
    4. eurstin


      That feel when there's no pokeball symbol by the name of the pokemon you encounter, but you later realize you already had the pokemon and the pokeball just didn't load. Also, that feel when you use a run-on sentence.

  12. A few pokemon more and my first goal will be completed. Six generations normal dex. Of course i'm lacking events and fossils. But who cares? I only started 2 months ago. So acquiring past events is hard. And all fossils aren't included in game for now i think, 3nd and 4th generation fossils seems to not love me either. So i will not go after them for now. My next goal will be completing mega dex. I guess this will be more harder for me. Because i will need to hunt like 2x mewtwo set, 2x ralts set, rayquaza set, diancie set etc. And i need to get 4 latiasite and 5 latiosite from sidequests. Anyway self goals like these makes game more entartaining for me.

    sorry for grammar mistakes and  long status update. Good nigh everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. unknown_citizen




    3. GodsWithin


      Nice! I am trying my best to complete my Normal Dex too!

    4. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
  13. Have Need Rates: 1 vivillon/1 vivillon ign: ser0
  14. it's not eveytime has one pokemon so other locations will require more time. Lets say you finished first battle in 5 seconds. You will need to wait at least 5 seconds to press continue. There's a rule that you need wait 10 seconds after each battle. It's for preventing botters from battle counting spam. edit: if your battle last at least 10 seconds, you don't need to wait.
  15. lol i always skip the unique leggies i don't have when i'm sleepy. Then after i skip it i lose sleep over xD

    1. soulweeper616


      what did you skip today :(

    2. v3567


      "i always skip the unique leggies i don't have when i'm sleepy"  - use an awakening while you're hunting.


      "after i skip it i lose sleep over"  - You probably have the insomnia ability :(


      But oh! It can't be both. Seek help!

    3. ser0


      @soulweeper616 it was mystic heatran.

      @v3567 lol. grinding exp made me sleepy. So i went to fire map for some hunting. And when i skipped mystic heatran (which i don't have) sleepiness gone because of the shock and anger at myself. The lesson(for me) from this: don't hunt when you're sleepy :D

  16. Looking for i can give two normal leg i choose or one normal legendary you will choose. (No Zapdos don't worry. :D)
  17. The pokemons you put in trade list or offers aren't showing up in your pokemon list(view all your pokemons). So their exp aren't showing up in your profile too. I think that's the case.
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