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Everything posted by MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.

  1. Guys, come join @GodsWithin Giveaway. He is giving away legends. He needs more than 15 people to come join. So, come on!

    1. Deadly_Phyton


      me bro! ign : snake_eyes

    2. demonstriker


      Advertisement xD 

    3. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      @demonstriker yep to help @GodsWithin out.xD He was find with it.

  2. ign: Booshe-Kun Thanks for the giveaway, broski/my bad I just seen this giveaway just, now. I hope more people come. You are awesome for this!Matter a fact, I'll get u noticed because, u deserve it and u are to kind and generous, for this. Stay awesome, my dude!
  3. IGN: Booshe-Kun Are you a magician? Cause I'm gonna disappear my in you.(Please no one take my original idea.) Thanks for this super, awesome, amazing, great giveaway. Once again, u are awesome, the best, and amazing to me. This seems big to me instead, of small. Eh? I guess it's just me. Stay AWESOME! U are my #1 always and forever on. Don't forget. I really love how generous, nice, kind, and humble u are. Please stay that way because, I love it. Also, I never had a donation pokemon and it will mean the world if I have one.
  4. Lf two dark sableyes/three metallic sableyes. I am willing to give Legendaries for them.
  5. I have a shadow mesprit. What are you able to trade. I only accept Event Pokemon tho.
  6. But hey it's worth the orbs, fossils, exp., and money tho. Also, prob. more events will probably deal with completing parts of the sidequests soon.
  7. Someone really needs to close this....>.> @Uncle_Psychic Can u close this please.
  8. Hello! Mr. Patrick as well ::3:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      in sidequests I mean.


    3. Patrick


      I don't reset losses, sorry. If I do it for one person then everyone asks and it's just not something I want to or have time to do.

    4. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      @Patrick You have a point. 

  9. My for your ? I have more event pokemon if you are not interested. My ign is: Quis_ut_Deus. Check me out and see what Pokemon you want. Event for Event.
  10. Can you train my normal togepi (halloween) to 35 mil/do you care about what pokemon I give you when I get my togepi (halloween) back? TBH I'm kind of confused myself? I hope you understand what I'm saying because, I'm not really sure what I'm saying....
  11. <---My funny Spoderman Meme is this Please ignore that this was out of place and not in order I was struggling like crazy to make this perfect. Also, thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyone.Wish ya luck! Also, wish me luck. You are awesome for doing this. ign: Quis_ut_Deus Favorite Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Which game will I play? Pokemon Moon and then Pokemon Sun My favorite anime song is: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood- "again" by YUI
  12. Aloha! Pokemon Sun&Moon Episode 2 English Subbed is here/Pokemon Sun&Moon Episode 1 is not out yet because it contains content from Sony Music Entertainment Company (Japan) Inc..It is not available in your country but, don't worry it will be here eventually so, u can enjoy episode 2 for now. Have fun, guys!xD^_^:

    And yep this is the proof if u don't believe me for sure...


    1. baddream


      You can watch episode 1 at kissanime.to...

    2. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
    3. baddream
  13. Does anyone know the exact date of when v4 comes out because, I was told it was going to be before Pokemon Sun&Moon comes out? 

  14. Quis_ut_Deus Thanks for the giveaway Haxor u are awesome for this. Thanks for looking out.
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