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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.

  1. RIP Pikamas xD Good thing my pikamas dex is done.

  2. Guys,  can y'all atleast show love to Chromebooks by not posting hidden contents because, it really makes me mad that the only way to see it is by phone. It's get very annoying when someone make a trading thread in 5 min. with hidden contents and I have to get my phone out every time that happens. 

    -Every Chromebook user 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      @glaceon001 I only use a chromebook and my Acer is to messed up basically, broken. 

    3. glaceon001
    4. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      @glaceon001 it's okay. I plan on buying a new laptop soon.

  3. I swear trying to get shiny diglettmas/shadow diglettmas to complete my diglettmas dex will be the death of me. :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. porymon


      Can you give mystic santapie?

    3. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      @porymon no sorrry bro I'm trying to complete santapie dex.

    4. porymon


      There aren't any other pokemon i'm inerested in.Sorry.


  4. My Numba is 304 Booshe-Kun is my ign tanku and u are a good frwiend and I like ya a lot(no homo). Well, we been fwriends ever since.
  5. By the way i just need metallic/shiny santapies. Hope's that changes the spectrum up.
  6. and my donation Pokemon shadow giratina origin for the first one.
  7. I swear more than being reported needs to happen to @Sacredsaga. He needs to be banned imo. He is racist and he called me a n word just because, I'm black/also, he was cursing me out for no reason just because, I told him the rules about botting. Just check out his page and you will see his topic. Make sure i read and tell me what u think? I am offended and hurt by this/he had the never of talking about my mom. Calling my mom a prostitute when she is not. She is a single mother that cares and loves me/don't deal with men that abuse her like my dad did. I want to kill him for that. I haven't seem him since, I was a kid. And I am named after my dad. The latest thing I seen of my dad was that he was in prison. Well, yeah there goes my story and @Sacredsaga do not be talking about me when you don't know ish about me, ok? U lucky I didn't stoop down to your level. Matter a fact, I wasn't at all. I was just thinking how childish u are. I really don't like you/I hope I don't ever see you in person because, that will not be a good sight for you to, see. Just saying. It's more like hate than don't like. So watch your back. 

  8. Magearna (Original) Level: 100Experience: 1,019,000Number: 801OAttacks:Iron HeadSonic BoomPsybeamAurora BeamType: Owner: Booshe-Kun Original Trainer: Booshe-Kun Happiness: [?] Magearna (Original) is at its final stage of evolution. Oh, yeah my goal was 1Mil so, I'm done even though, I'm going to keep on giving it EXP until it becomes the top Pokemon *evil smirk*.
  9. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-500284548<--Me and @seth1129400 awesome/amazing battle. Also, I think we have the best fight out of everyone here imo. What do yall think?
  10. IGN:Booshe-Kun I would really like it because, I am almost done with my santapie dex/remember when I helped u what happens when you get 3 kyogre? Su casa mi casa mi amigo.^I wasn't trying to persuade u or anything just, being funny Also, good luck to everyone and wish the best. Thank u for this awesome and amazing event. This is my favorite caterpie form and would mean the world if I can have it.
  11. Shadow%20Giratina%20(Origin).gifDonation for donation only with events


    Need normal, shiny, and metallic santapie check my ign:Booshe-Kun. To see what pokemon u want.

  13. Need normal, shiny, and metallic santapie check my ign:Booshe-Kun. To see what pokemon u want.
  14. Lf:Shiny/metallic santapies. Trading dark/shadow santapies for them
  15. orororororororfor your <--Basically whatever u want from this list so...It doesn't matter to me.
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