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Everything posted by Haxor69

  1. There have been a bunch of people breaking and ignoring the Chatroom Rules

    Please be sure to take a look and @Patrick you be sure to update the mods >_<

    Also this chat user: RyanOfficialz has been delaying the rules, abusing people and not taking the warnings from the mods. I also had a long confession with him when sports can along and banned him

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Haxor69


      Zeus, C'mon, You're wiki ain't no good o4rel

      Also see the link Zeus posted for more informantion

    3. eurstin


      *Your, not you're

      Your grammar "ain't no good" :D

    4. Haxor69
  2. Wowazah

    The first who will reach 1000 posts and still doesn't get rekt.

    u44 and Philip, get a warning life hqdefault.jpg

  3. Fades where are you training my Gallade to 250mil?
  4. Trading2.1 mil Exp. PM me your best offers.
  5. There is Credit card too you know
  6. Fades is out atm he'll be back soon. Enjoy this 'til then
  7. @FadesTrades recorded it. It's fast mode and due to some things that can show he might bot will be resolved when he'll upload the video without the fast motion. It's fast motion, GW
  8. @Creepy Helper Fades Simply does not bot like your friends @EagerRhino. Fades is totally legit and the only person I believe is the fastest and legit. 123aman is legit but slow. (That Gallade is mine tho)
  9. Just so you know @EagerRhino bots. Many people agree.
  10. Follow everyone's advice sas Take a little break and let us see your colours again in v4
  11. http://prnt.sc/bxdl4x

    There you go @Lunchbox, main chat


    1. Lunchbox


      "Lunchbox: Voice isn't even a mod"

    2. Haxor69


      So I have to become a mod then...

      Sup @Patrick o4rel

  12. Well my Fb is up and running! Be sure to send a Friend request on the name:

    Haxor BK


  13. You should take a little break, comeback for v4 asap you know it's out. This would unlock new surprises and fun for you.
  14. I meant 3 hallos - 5 partials..
  15. Already have the mystic water
  16. the mystic white and other stuff offer - no
  17. 10 mil for Kyurem Aye! But can we do 3 Hallo's for the unique Partial's? @himanshu24092002 no
  18. Sorry, you're a botter. Nah.
  19. Deal. It'll be on trade in a Jiffy. Jedi's are, Rotoms are fair.
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