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Everything posted by Fluffyz

  1. Right. Here's my team if you want to check out what Pokemon I have; https://pokepast.es/65530f8b9bb571e2
  2. But what if they want Sandslash (Alolan)? Oh, sorry.
  3. I found a glaceon in route 14 anyways.
  4. Fluffyz


    Does the Pokemon you bidded appear in 'purchased'? If not, someone may have bidded in the last seconds. Are you sure the money you spent had disappeared?
  5. I might get interested in that shadow Dragonair, but I'll tell you when I feel like it.
  6. Sorry, we don't advertise here.
  7. dades did not T-rubbish the giveaway, he just doesn't like how I said that this giveaway needed rules, because they don't. If a giveaway does not have any rules the most common way to enter is to type ign.
  8. We don't make drafts in Pokemon Vortex, if you're creating a draft you message an altarnative account or write it down somewhere else instead.
  9. Hey, got this message sometime back, now I actually have use for it.
  10. Looks like people really like shiny Rayquazas lol
  11. Hey, is your service still going? All I see on your profile are your replies on your sidequest team.
  12. That's just your opinion, Ash Greninja is stronger, and you can mega evolve the Steelix, to have a better team.
  13. You should have a fighting type on your team.
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