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Everything posted by Dark-Entei

  1. Dark-Entei


    I have and any extras non ot you find in my profile for trade. is not released. Ign: Dark-Entei
  2. You can get them from sidequests, pokebay and mystery boxes. You don't need mega stone to evolve raquza you need to make it learn dragon ascent.
  3. Are we talking about both or just Shadow charmander, though zygarde complete is not for trade.
  4. You tell what you want from me Ign: Dark-Entei
  5. What for shadow charmander and shadow mudkip Ign: Dark-Entei
  6. Ign: Dark-Entei Showdown id: Requiem-7 https://i.paste.pics/AX5TM.png?trs=ed123a53879d56ef95c37c6747f475ef9d93803db2a299067a81ae5ea74c7f1c Orange league comes first, but anyways Jhoto is good.
  7. It needs some battles minimum, how much ever lucky he is
  8. Yes, to answer to your question of their respawn. You don't need to kill the normal one to have more chances for a shiny one rather I suggest you that you catch the legendary if you find one.
  9. Legacy maps are for for people who are playing the game from before. In short they are the old maps. New accounts don't have them. The use is same as the new maps to catch pokemon but just the map is different.
  10. Ign: Dark-Entei Can I have tornadusus therian Thanks for the giveaway
  11. If you are playing this game from before the new maps were released you could enable the old maps from options. Just click on the legacy maps in options. New gen 8 pokemons wouldn't be available there though. I read in the forums that they will be removed in future updates but they are currently available for old users.
  12. It sometimes takes a lot of time to catch a legendary, you have to search the map till you get one. It is not easy as it is getting common pokemons. You only need to complete the gyms for a legendary btw
  13. Offer it on any pokemon in my trade, put up a poke ball for auction
  14. 1. infernals 2. necrozma 3.tyranitar 4.celibi Ign: Dark-Entei
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