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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by LoneWalker19

  1. Hi a13x, I am LoneWalker19 I read this report and I think it is partially your fault as you should been more careful about your Zapdoes. You should have said him to bid first or deny because nobody is going to spend 1,000,000 pkds on a Normal Zapdoes. If you like I can trade you a zapdoes, I don't mind
  2. Few of my favorite wall-papers 😉

    The galarian birds

    Galarian Zapdos V Wallpaper

    Galarian Moltres V Wallpaper

    Galarian Articuno V Wallpaper

    Will be uploading more soon XD


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LoneWalker19


      Yeah bro it is awesome 

    3. silverstar2202


      I have always liked the mega rayquaza shiny version its amazing i wanted to get a tattoo of it

    4. LoneWalker19
  3. Question of the day:


    1. Ken2k


      Spikeshell badge.

    2. LoneWalker19


      Correct answer Ken2k

  4. Can you EXP train my shiny fennekin to 150,000 EXP will pay 300,000
  5. Hey man, I got: Please tell offer XD
  6. Thank you dades and Lethal_Entity for advise🤩
  7. Will dark pheramosa be has good as the dark necrozma?
  8. I have a shiny zamazenta, please tell me your offer XD
  9. Sneezeball, with all due respect I really do not appreciate the negative feedback you give me and to some other PV players.
  10. Hello vortex developers and players, I am LoneWalker19 and I wanted to create this topic to tell you about the ideas I had for V6. Hope you all like them 1. New variant- I am aware of the fact that 3 new variants are already coming (Pink, Ancient and Crystal), but I wanted to suggest this new class I call.. Mirage. Here are some mirage pokemon: And here is how mirage pokemon will work: The ability of Mirage pokemon changes depending on the opponent pokemon's class. 20% more attack against Dark. Gains 20% HP against Shiny. Copies the ability of Mystic and Metallic pokemon when fighting against them. On facing Shadow pokemon, it transfers all its ailments to the opponent (if your pokemon is poisoned, it heals itself and poisons the opponent). Mirage pokemon lose 10% health against normal pokemon. 2. Zacian and Zamazenta new forms: Zacian and Zamazenta , in this game, have 2 forms, but there are really 3. Here are some images showing there third form. Zacian Zacian (Crowned) Zacian (Behemoth) Zamazenta Zamazenta (Crowned) Zamazenta (Behemoth) Ps- Pease try to add these in the game. 3. Silvally forms: Anyone who watches pokemon anime must know that Gladion's Silvally can change its type and I really wish these silvally also added to the game because most of the other pokemon games already have silvally forms. Normal Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Ground Ice Poison Psychic Steel Water Rock Grass 4. Gigatamax urshifu: Please add both Rapid and Single Gigantamax ushifus- Urshifu (Single Strike): and Urshifu (Rapid Strike): Gigantamax Urshifu (Single Strike): and Gigantamax Urshifu (Rapid Strike): Please add these 2 pokemon in game because this are the most important Gigantamax pokemon of all. 5. Group chat: We all know about the quick chat and messages but I want to suggest group chat as it is a good way of chatting with your clan or your group of friends. It can be like a WhatApp in game. Please check out my ideas and thanks for giving your time into reading this topic. I hope the developers respond soon.
  11. Sup buddy? Got 3 rayquazas here, willing to trade, quick chat in-game.
  12. SCAMMER FOR THE YEAR AWARD GO'S TO..... lonely99!!! MOST TRUSTWORTHY EXP TRAINER AWARD GO'S TO.... 1gladion!!! Please lonely99 stop your scaming players!!!
  13. Hello players of vortex and the wiki editors, I bring up this topic to ask you, why is gigantamax urshifu not on the pokedex? I searched wiki, pokedex and so much more but I still have not seen any gigantamax urishifu enter and for the people who don't know what gigantamax urshifu is or looks like, here are some images: Urshifu (Single Strike): and Urshifu (Rapid Strike): Gigantamax Urshifu (Single Strike): and Gigantamax Urshifu (Rapid Strike): Please add these 2 pokemon in game because this are the most important Gigantamax pokemon of all. By- LoneWalker19
  14. I think Z move in PV are not all bad, but with some measures like 1 Z move per poke and 1 Z move per battle will be fine and also it should be based on type.
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