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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by bilal.anwar

  1. How much will you train for 10 unique legends?
  2. Hunt a ralts set, charmander set, I'll pay you 5 normal legends for these.
  3. LF these leggies : https://paste.ee/p/hRpx5 Offering each pika xmas/diglett xmas for each 8 of them
  4. Gible isnt uft so I offered on infernape
  5. The diglett xmas you need and pika xmas you need for 9-10 mil?
  6. Patrick already stated that the re-run won't be soon. Also he said that every event won't be easy for everyone to complete it, something needs to be rare too
  7. Trading Pika Xmas and Diglett Xmas sets, LF Unique Kyurem Forms, Unique Rotom Halloweens, Unique Pika Jedis. PM me for more info
  8. Ign: WorldofFootball Good Luck everyone
  9. Is this thread still open?
  10. Trading , LF Donation Pokes No Dumb offers please .-.
  11. Ign : WorldOfFootball 3 normal and 1 unique cosmog till now and yeah one from your giveaway too Thanks
  12. Trading Pika Xmas and Diglett Xmas sets for exp, PM me if interested
  13. LF Mystic Deoxys form, PM me if you have any for trade, Thanks
  14. Train all pokes to 4 hearts each, I will increase the number of legends , they are more than 5 pokes which I have offered.
  15. 20 hearts for 5 unique and 5 normal legends? If yes where to offer?
  16. 10 mil for 2 unique and 1 normal pika xmas?
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