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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by waybig

  1. IGN waybig All unowns = thanks for the giveaway m8 hoping 2 win
  2. umm...idk one of the normal deoxys ?(would like the code but the poke is fine too)
  3. i hv and other stuff but dugtrio there are like 101 in vortex so thats why its my first offer
  4. So u r sayin I could pay u 1.2 mil pokedollars and trade? If yes then I'll think about it mostly yea , but What s it's worth in events ?
  5. waybig


    Simply put, an account which has donated to Pokemon Vortex for an event or mystery box etc. This is the link to the vortex store. Hope you find something interesting and donate to vortex for it! https://forums.pokemon-vortex.com/store/
  6. Use this as a: "My theory for Into the Unown is...."

  7. how much is a Deoxys code worth?? Also interested in The unique deoxys and the complete
  8. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Gen7OU-2019-02-05-arindaminfinity-kaminarikinky.html

  9. oooh a shadow dp and complete. im training my (1mil +)rn and (about 600k)
  10. lol anyway....are u taking events 4 ur
  11. Yo pat, any idea when Magearnagets inroduced to the family?

  12. waybig


    @abc511 Zygarde complete for pikachu rock star?
  13. Not exp and i dont want nihelego now i got another ub. but in legends wats kyogre worth? Also hv would u take that for
  14. Welcome and thx for the what did i offer for it i forgot ROFL
  15. k then ull probably hv to wait until is trained . Anyway, i hv a looking for
  16. whats the differnce between 1st and 2nd edition?
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