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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Updates posted by himanshu24092002

  1. can anyone suggest me any dbz game for psp

    1. seth1129400


      dragon ball z : shin budokai 2 another road , best dbz game ever in my opinion for psp 

  2. Exams finally ends it's enjoyment time

    1. Mr.Magnificent


      Man, Wish you good luck!

      Cuz, I am having exams after 10 days.. :(

  3. vortex is lagging while battling

  4. anyone want to trade dark dragon type poke which can learn draco meteor or a dark sableye 

    offering unique pokes or normal leggies

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. himanshu24092002


      i dont want training account i want to trade

    3. ser0


      Have Dark Sableye if you're still interested in.

    4. himanshu24092002


      yes what do you want check ign-charizard_king_ and pm me

      arceus is not for trade

  5. anyone want to swap mystic arceus for shiny or dark arceus

  6. Looking for unique arceus offering mystic shieldon or exp or unique leggies

  7. completed sinnoh sidequest 1st time waiting for event to start

    1. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      Congrats! Now, I need to do the same but, I am getting distracted...Matter a fact, I think I went to sleep and just woke up. To bad I have to start from the beginning since, I decided to restart before this event even, happened.:sigh:xD:/

  8. is this is a good offer for a mystic origin Mystic Zygarde (Complete) Shadow Kyurem (Black) Cranidos Shadow Zygarde (Complete) Shiny Kyurem (Black)

     Dark Kyurem (Black) Shiny Kyurem (White) Metallic Arceus (Water)


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. 123Aman-2


      no @eurstin he should trade it for Haramble ....lol

    3. eurstin


      *Harambe (no l)

  9. will 2nd instagram giveaway will ever happen

  10. a ign -principal is banned but its 2 pokes are in top pokemon

  11. trading a mystic giratina origin message here to participate in auction conversation

  12. anyone saw ign assie he has 74 mil exp only with in about 20 days with his ot @Patrick do your favorite work pls 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. seth1129400


      that 75 million exp can be grinded in 22 days easily if the player continuously plays for those 22 days or less according to a simple calculation :) 

  13. trading mystic water for good events.

    And also trading 39.3 mil charizard x

  14. there was 27 unknowns in game 5 hour earlier but now it is 32 in game? @Patrick

    1. 123Aman-2


      Lmao.... :D 

      is it possible to generate cases with out the permission of Patrick..???

    2. Haxor69


      Zeus got his Unknowns back

  15. just curious to know when will next live tournament be held

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      xD @Sneezeball and @himanshu240920029_9I think he was just being honest.:-_-::;):

    3. Sneezeball


      well last tournament was clownfiesta with too much autism so doubt Patrick wats that again

    4. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      xD @Sneezeball I wish I was there to laugh but, had to get my education done.

  16. oh finally complete 100mil target and 900k points

  17. is shiny pokeball worth 20 mil?

  18. is dark santachu worth 8 mil exp

    1. 123Aman-2


      write it worth less tho...

    2. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      Yeach @123Aman-2 and I don't think it is worth 8 mil exp. It should be more than that because it is a EVENT Pokemon u here me, EVENT!

  19. is shiny belle is a good offer for mystic pokedex

    1. seth1129400


      i would say no as mystic pokedex is more rare than shiny belle and will get more rarer as the botted ones will be removed with release of v4 but with this the pikachu cosplays on the banned accounts will be also removed which  will increase their rarity so , well it just my opinion , yours or somebody else opinion may differ , if the person adds in someting else than it might be acceptable , though the rest is ur choice but do ask other  people for better answers (but its a straight forward "NO" deal)

    2. surana57


      i think it a good deal if it is your dex

  20. got a mystic pokedex by trading for normal pokedex and dark water

    1. porymon


      dont u think thats toomuch?

    2. Goketa


      I think its fair only


  21. searched for more than 15 hours 

    result- 7 unique zapdos, 8 normal zapdos, 2 normal darkrown, 1 normal pokedex

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