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4 hours ago, Red_Conspiracy said:

I need a lot of uniques. If you have any PM me. I am willing to offer big time events, unique legends, EXP (A lot of EXP), and anything else in my account. Thanks!!! :) 

I have quite a few uniques uft under kiwinugzfan if you like anything plz let me know :)


Also trading shiny suicune & shadow uxie for 5 uniques each and have updated my trade page with more uniques.

Edited by Kiwinugzfan
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1 hour ago, Red_Conspiracy said:

I need a lot of uniques. If you have any PM me. I am willing to offer big time events, unique legends, EXP (A lot of EXP), and anything else in my account. Thanks!!! :) 

Hey there please check suniques tons of uniques fr trade

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I am offering my Non-Legendary Uniques for Mystic and Dark Reshiram/Zekroms!

I have about 485 in total. Some are level 100 and some have 4 hearts. Check my account to check them out :D



                                                  Dark (53)                                                 



Dark AbraDark AxewDark BergmiteDark BidoofDark BudewDark CastformDark Castform (Water)Dark CharmanderDark ChimcharDark Deerling (Summer)Dark DratiniDark EspurrDark FurfrouDark GrimerDark KlefkiDark LarvitarDark MareepDark NatuDark Nidoran (F)Dark OshawottDark PichuDark PorygonDark RaichuDark RattataDark RioluDark ScytherDark SeelDark SkarmoryDark SwabluDark Unown (N)Dark Unown (O)Dark Unown (Q)Dark Unown (S)


                                                  Metallic (86)                                                  


Metallic AronMetallic BergmiteMetallic BidoofMetallic BulbasaurMetallic BunearyMetallic Burmy (Steel)Metallic CarbinkMetallic CastformMetallic Castform (Water)Metallic CharmanderMetallic CherubiMetallic ChimcharMetallic CombeeMetallic Deerling (Autumn)Metallic Deerling (Summer)Metallic Deerling (Winter)Metallic DelibirdMetallic DratiniMetallic EeveeMetallic FarfetchdMetallic Flabebe (Blue)Metallic GirafarigMetallic GolettMetallic GoomyMetallic HelioptileMetallic HeracrossMetallic HoothootMetallic IllumiseMetallic InkayMetallic KangaskhanMetallic KecleonMetallic LarvitarMetallic MankeyMetallic MaractusMetallic MareepMetallic Nidoran (M)Metallic NincadaMetallic NoibatMetallic NosepassMetallic OddishMetallic PichuMetallic PinecoMetallic Pumpkaboo (Large)Metallic QuilavaMetallic RelicanthMetallic RhyhornMetallic RuffletMetallic ScatterbugMetallic ScytherMetallic SeviperMetallic SewaddleMetallic ShelmetMetallic ShroomishMetallic SkarmoryMetallic SkiddoMetallic SkittyMetallic SlakothMetallic SnivyMetallic SpearowMetallic StaryuMetallic SwabluMetallic TaillowMetallic TaurosMetallic TentacoolMetallic TrapinchMetallic TropiusMetallic TurtwigMetallic Unown (L)Metallic Unown (W)Metallic Unown (Y)Metallic Zangoose

                                                  Mystic (61)                                                  


Mystic AbsolMystic AronMystic BagonMystic BidoofMystic Blaziken (Mega)Mystic BulbasaurMystic BunnelbyMystic CastformMystic CharmanderMystic CuboneMystic CyndaquilMystic Deerling (Autumn)Mystic Deerling (Summer)Mystic Deerling (Winter)Mystic DeinoMystic DittoMystic DratiniMystic EeveeMystic ElectrikeMystic FinneonMystic FlygonMystic GibleMystic GligarMystic GrowlitheMystic HawluchaMystic HeracrossMystic HoothootMystic KecleonMystic MaractusMystic MiloticMystic MurkrowMystic Nidoran (F)Mystic OnixMystic OshawottMystic PanchamMystic PetililMystic PichuMystic RattataMystic RelicanthMystic SandileMystic ScatterbugMystic ScytherMystic SnubbullMystic SquirtleMystic SwabluMystic Tyranitar (Mega)Mystic Unown (L)Mystic Unown (U)Mystic Yanma

                                                  Shadow (97)                                                 


Shadow AbraShadow AronShadow AxewShadow BarboachShadow Basculin (Blue Stripe)Shadow Blastoise (Mega)Shadow BonslyShadow BulbasaurShadow CastformShadow Castform (Water)Shadow ChikoritaShadow ChimcharShadow ClamperlShadow CombuskenShadow CroagunkShadow CyndaquilShadow DedenneShadow Deerling (Autumn)Shadow Deerling (Spring)Shadow Deerling (Summer)Shadow DelibirdShadow DwebbleShadow EeveeShadow FletchlingShadow FurfrouShadow GibleShadow GirafarigShadow GolettShadow GoomyShadow GrowlitheShadow HawluchaShadow HoppipShadow HorseaShadow Kangaskhan (Mega)Shadow LarvitarShadow LickilickyShadow MagikarpShadow MagnemiteShadow MankeyShadow MantykeShadow MunchlaxShadow MurkrowShadow Nidoran (F)Shadow NoibatShadow OnixShadow OshawottShadow PichuShadow Pichu (Notched)Shadow PiplupShadow PonytaShadow Pumpkaboo (Super)Shadow RhyhornShadow RioluShadow RoggenrolaShadow ScytherShadow SeelShadow SeviperShadow ShelmetShadow SkiddoShadow SolosisShadow SpritzeeShadow SquirtleShadow StantlerShadow StarlyShadow StunkyShadow SwabluShadow TaillowShadow TrapinchShadow TurtwigShadow Unown (C)Shadow Unown (H)Shadow Unown (I)Shadow Unown (J)Shadow Unown (N)Shadow Unown (R)Shadow Unown (T)Shadow Unown (V)Shadow Unown (Y)Shadow ZebstrikaShadow Zubat

                                                  Shiny (188)                                                


Shiny AbsolShiny Aggron (Mega)Shiny AipomShiny Altaria (Mega)Shiny Ampharos (Mega)Shiny BagonShiny Basculin (Red Stripe)Shiny BeldumShiny BergmiteShiny BidoofShiny BinacleShiny BlitzleShiny BronzorShiny BunearyShiny BunnelbyShiny Burmy (Steel)Shiny CarbinkShiny CastformShiny Castform (Ice)Shiny Castform (Water)Shiny CharizardShiny ChespinShiny ChikoritaShiny ChimcharShiny ClauncherShiny CorphishShiny CottoneeShiny CroagunkShiny CryogonalShiny CubchooShiny CuboneShiny DedenneShiny Deerling (Winter)Shiny DeinoShiny DiglettShiny DoduoShiny DratiniShiny DrilburShiny DucklettShiny EeveeShiny EkansShiny EspurrShiny ExeggcuteShiny FeraligatrShiny FerroseedShiny Flabebe (Blue)Shiny Flabebe (Yellow)Shiny FlygonShiny FurfrouShiny Garchomp (Mega)Shiny Gengar (Mega)Shiny GeodudeShiny GirafarigShiny GlameowShiny GolettShiny GoodraShiny GoomyShiny HappinyShiny HawluchaShiny HelioptileShiny HeracrossShiny Heracross (Mega)Shiny HippopotasShiny HoppipShiny HydreigonShiny IgglybuffShiny IllumiseShiny InfernapeShiny InkayShiny Kangaskhan (Mega)Shiny KarrablastShiny KecleonShiny KlefkiShiny KricketotShiny LaprasShiny LarvestaShiny LarvitarShiny LickilickyShiny LickitungShiny LillipupShiny LitleoShiny LotadShiny LuvdiscShiny MachopShiny MagbyShiny MankeyShiny MaractusShiny MeowthShiny MiltankShiny MinunShiny MudkipShiny NincadaShiny NinetalesShiny NoibatShiny ParasShiny PatratShiny PawniardShiny PhanpyShiny PichuShiny Pichu (Notched)Shiny PidoveShiny PiplupShiny PlusleShiny PonytaShiny PsyduckShiny Pumpkaboo (Average)Shiny RattataShiny RhyhornShiny RioluShiny SandshrewShiny ScatterbugShiny Scizor (Mega)Shiny ScytherShiny SeelShiny SentretShiny SeviperShiny ShelmetShiny ShroomishShiny SkarmoryShiny SkiddoShiny SlakothShiny SlugmaShiny SmeargleShiny SnoruntShiny SnoverShiny SnubbullShiny SolrockShiny SpearowShiny SphealShiny SpindaShiny SpritzeeShiny SquirtleShiny StantlerShiny StarlyShiny Steelix (Mega)Shiny SunkernShiny SwabluShiny SwirlixShiny TaillowShiny TaurosShiny ThrohShiny TogepiShiny TorkoalShiny TropiusShiny TrubbishShiny TurtwigShiny TympoleShiny TympoleShiny TynamoShiny TyranitarShiny Unown (F)Shiny Unown (H)Shiny Unown (J)Shiny Unown (M)Shiny Unown (N)Shiny Unown (O)Shiny Unown (Q)Shiny Unown (Qm)Shiny Unown (S)Shiny Unown (W)Shiny VaporeonShiny VenipedeShiny VenonatShiny WhismurShiny WurmpleShiny WynautShiny ZangooseShiny ZoroarkShiny Zoruathat took forever

Edited by eurstin
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8 hours ago, Kiwinugzfan said:

Offered :)

Both of these posts are for you haha, first thanks for the pokes, do you have any other pokemon that you need me to traing and raise their happiness?

4 hours ago, Kiwinugzfan said:

I have quite a few uniques uft under kiwinugzfan if you like anything plz let me know :)


Also trading shiny suicune & shadow uxie for 5 uniques each and have updated my trade page with more uniques.

What 5 uniques do u need for the Shadow Uxie

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4 hours ago, Kiwinugzfan said:

I have quite a few uniques uft under kiwinugzfan if you like anything plz let me know :)


Also trading shiny suicune & shadow uxie for 5 uniques each and have updated my trade page with more uniques.


Hi man! I want this: Shadow GoldeenMystic AzurillMetallic CorphishMetallic MantykeShadow BuizelDark Clamperl. Check my trades, ign Malan :)

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Both of these posts are for you haha, first thanks for the pokes, do you have any other pokemon that you need me to traing and raise their happiness?

What 5 uniques do u need for the Shadow Uxie

Sorry you just missed out on the legys by literally 2 mins as someone else messaged me ;(.  I have a lot of spare uniques uft and could give you 10 for each pokemon trained if you are interested in uniques for training. 


1 hour ago, Alan Solis said:


Hi man! I want this: Shadow GoldeenMystic AzurillMetallic CorphishMetallic MantykeShadow BuizelDark Clamperl. Check my trades, ign Malan :)

No problem i'll take a look and make offers ;)

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59 minutes ago, Kiwinugzfan said:

Sorry you just missed out on the legys by literally 2 mins as someone else messaged me ;(.  I have a lot of spare uniques uft and could give you 10 for each pokemon trained if you are interested in uniques for training. 


No problem i'll take a look and make offers ;)

Ahhhhh I'm so unlucky haha! I can train your pokemon to level 3 happiness for how about 15 uniques? and if you want your pokemon to level 2 happiness then 10 uniques?

How does thatt sounds? Normally my rates for training wouldn't be so high but I really wanted legends but i can do them for uniques too!

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Ahhhhh I'm so unlucky haha! I can train your pokemon to level 3 happiness for how about 15 uniques? and if you want your pokemon to level 2 happiness then 10 uniques?

How does thatt sounds? Normally my rates for training wouldn't be so high but I really wanted legends but i can do them for uniques too!

 15 uniques is fine as my uniques are spares anyway :). I'll put my dark woobat uft after i've offered malan those uniques above ;)

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1 hour ago, Kiwinugzfan said:

 15 uniques is fine as my uniques are spares anyway :). I'll put my dark woobat uft after i've offered malan those uniques above ;)

Sounds Great!! I'll offer a random poke and get started!

Please tell me when the Dark Woobatis UFT

Edited by GodsWithin
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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Sounds Great!! I'll offer a random poke and get started!

Its uft now & its probably best for you to wait until the poke is trained to choose what uniques you want as there should be more to choose from by the time you are done training :)

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4 hours ago, eurstin said:

I am offering my Non-Legendary Uniques for Metallic, Mystic, and Dark Reshiram/Zekroms!

I have about 485 in total. Some are level 100 and some have 4 hearts. Check my account to check them out :D

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                                                  Dark (53)                                                 

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Dark AbraDark AxewDark BergmiteDark BidoofDark BudewDark CastformDark Castform (Water)Dark CharmanderDark ChimcharDark Deerling (Summer)Dark DratiniDark EspurrDark FurfrouDark GrimerDark KlefkiDark LarvitarDark MareepDark NatuDark Nidoran (F)Dark OshawottDark PichuDark PorygonDark RaichuDark RattataDark RioluDark ScytherDark SeelDark SkarmoryDark SwabluDark Unown (N)Dark Unown (O)Dark Unown (Q)Dark Unown (S)


                                                  Metallic (86)                                                  

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Metallic AronMetallic BergmiteMetallic BidoofMetallic BulbasaurMetallic BunearyMetallic Burmy (Steel)Metallic CarbinkMetallic CastformMetallic Castform (Water)Metallic CharmanderMetallic CherubiMetallic ChimcharMetallic CombeeMetallic Deerling (Autumn)Metallic Deerling (Summer)Metallic Deerling (Winter)Metallic DelibirdMetallic DratiniMetallic EeveeMetallic FarfetchdMetallic Flabebe (Blue)Metallic GirafarigMetallic GolettMetallic GoomyMetallic HelioptileMetallic HeracrossMetallic HoothootMetallic IllumiseMetallic InkayMetallic KangaskhanMetallic KecleonMetallic LarvitarMetallic MankeyMetallic MaractusMetallic MareepMetallic Nidoran (M)Metallic NincadaMetallic NoibatMetallic NosepassMetallic OddishMetallic PichuMetallic PinecoMetallic Pumpkaboo (Large)Metallic QuilavaMetallic RelicanthMetallic RhyhornMetallic RuffletMetallic ScatterbugMetallic ScytherMetallic SeviperMetallic SewaddleMetallic ShelmetMetallic ShroomishMetallic SkarmoryMetallic SkiddoMetallic SkittyMetallic SlakothMetallic SnivyMetallic SpearowMetallic StaryuMetallic SwabluMetallic TaillowMetallic TaurosMetallic TentacoolMetallic TrapinchMetallic TropiusMetallic TurtwigMetallic Unown (L)Metallic Unown (W)Metallic Unown (Y)Metallic Zangoose

                                                  Mystic (61)                                                  

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Mystic AbsolMystic AronMystic BagonMystic BidoofMystic Blaziken (Mega)Mystic BulbasaurMystic BunnelbyMystic CastformMystic CharmanderMystic CuboneMystic CyndaquilMystic Deerling (Autumn)Mystic Deerling (Summer)Mystic Deerling (Winter)Mystic DeinoMystic DittoMystic DratiniMystic EeveeMystic ElectrikeMystic FinneonMystic FlygonMystic GibleMystic GligarMystic GrowlitheMystic HawluchaMystic HeracrossMystic HoothootMystic KecleonMystic MaractusMystic MiloticMystic MurkrowMystic Nidoran (F)Mystic OnixMystic OshawottMystic PanchamMystic PetililMystic PichuMystic RattataMystic RelicanthMystic SandileMystic ScatterbugMystic ScytherMystic SnubbullMystic SquirtleMystic SwabluMystic Tyranitar (Mega)Mystic Unown (L)Mystic Unown (U)Mystic Yanma

                                                  Shadow (97)                                                 

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Shadow AbraShadow AronShadow AxewShadow BarboachShadow Basculin (Blue Stripe)Shadow Blastoise (Mega)Shadow BonslyShadow BulbasaurShadow CastformShadow Castform (Water)Shadow ChikoritaShadow ChimcharShadow ClamperlShadow CombuskenShadow CroagunkShadow CyndaquilShadow DedenneShadow Deerling (Autumn)Shadow Deerling (Spring)Shadow Deerling (Summer)Shadow DelibirdShadow DwebbleShadow EeveeShadow FletchlingShadow FurfrouShadow GibleShadow GirafarigShadow GolettShadow GoomyShadow GrowlitheShadow HawluchaShadow HoppipShadow HorseaShadow Kangaskhan (Mega)Shadow LarvitarShadow LickilickyShadow MagikarpShadow MagnemiteShadow MankeyShadow MantykeShadow MunchlaxShadow MurkrowShadow Nidoran (F)Shadow NoibatShadow OnixShadow OshawottShadow PichuShadow Pichu (Notched)Shadow PiplupShadow PonytaShadow Pumpkaboo (Super)Shadow RhyhornShadow RioluShadow RoggenrolaShadow ScytherShadow SeelShadow SeviperShadow ShelmetShadow SkiddoShadow SolosisShadow SpritzeeShadow SquirtleShadow StantlerShadow StarlyShadow StunkyShadow SwabluShadow TaillowShadow TrapinchShadow TurtwigShadow Unown (C)Shadow Unown (H)Shadow Unown (I)Shadow Unown (J)Shadow Unown (N)Shadow Unown (R)Shadow Unown (T)Shadow Unown (V)Shadow Unown (Y)Shadow ZebstrikaShadow Zubat

                                                  Shiny (188)                                                

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Shiny AbsolShiny Aggron (Mega)Shiny AipomShiny Altaria (Mega)Shiny Ampharos (Mega)Shiny BagonShiny Basculin (Red Stripe)Shiny BeldumShiny BergmiteShiny BidoofShiny BinacleShiny BlitzleShiny BronzorShiny BunearyShiny BunnelbyShiny Burmy (Steel)Shiny CarbinkShiny CastformShiny Castform (Ice)Shiny Castform (Water)Shiny CharizardShiny ChespinShiny ChikoritaShiny ChimcharShiny ClauncherShiny CorphishShiny CottoneeShiny CroagunkShiny CryogonalShiny CubchooShiny CuboneShiny DedenneShiny Deerling (Winter)Shiny DeinoShiny DiglettShiny DoduoShiny DratiniShiny DrilburShiny DucklettShiny EeveeShiny EkansShiny EspurrShiny ExeggcuteShiny FeraligatrShiny FerroseedShiny Flabebe (Blue)Shiny Flabebe (Yellow)Shiny FlygonShiny FurfrouShiny Garchomp (Mega)Shiny Gengar (Mega)Shiny GeodudeShiny GirafarigShiny GlameowShiny GolettShiny GoodraShiny GoomyShiny HappinyShiny HawluchaShiny HelioptileShiny HeracrossShiny Heracross (Mega)Shiny HippopotasShiny HoppipShiny HydreigonShiny IgglybuffShiny IllumiseShiny InfernapeShiny InkayShiny Kangaskhan (Mega)Shiny KarrablastShiny KecleonShiny KlefkiShiny KricketotShiny LaprasShiny LarvestaShiny LarvitarShiny LickilickyShiny LickitungShiny LillipupShiny LitleoShiny LotadShiny LuvdiscShiny MachopShiny MagbyShiny MankeyShiny MaractusShiny MeowthShiny MiltankShiny MinunShiny MudkipShiny NincadaShiny NinetalesShiny NoibatShiny ParasShiny PatratShiny PawniardShiny PhanpyShiny PichuShiny Pichu (Notched)Shiny PidoveShiny PiplupShiny PlusleShiny PonytaShiny PsyduckShiny Pumpkaboo (Average)Shiny RattataShiny RhyhornShiny RioluShiny SandshrewShiny ScatterbugShiny Scizor (Mega)Shiny ScytherShiny SeelShiny SentretShiny SeviperShiny ShelmetShiny ShroomishShiny SkarmoryShiny SkiddoShiny SlakothShiny SlugmaShiny SmeargleShiny SnoruntShiny SnoverShiny SnubbullShiny SolrockShiny SpearowShiny SphealShiny SpindaShiny SpritzeeShiny SquirtleShiny StantlerShiny StarlyShiny Steelix (Mega)Shiny SunkernShiny SwabluShiny SwirlixShiny TaillowShiny TaurosShiny ThrohShiny TogepiShiny TorkoalShiny TropiusShiny TrubbishShiny TurtwigShiny TympoleShiny TympoleShiny TynamoShiny TyranitarShiny Unown (F)Shiny Unown (H)Shiny Unown (J)Shiny Unown (M)Shiny Unown (N)Shiny Unown (O)Shiny Unown (Q)Shiny Unown (Qm)Shiny Unown (S)Shiny Unown (W)Shiny VaporeonShiny VenipedeShiny VenonatShiny WhismurShiny WurmpleShiny WynautShiny ZangooseShiny ZoroarkShiny Zoruathat took forever

Shadow GibleShadow EeveeMetallic EeveeDark RioluShadow PiplupShadow MagnemiteShadow Munchlaxfor my Metallic Zekrom?

If yes, it is UFT on IGN: MaNaV16

Edited by manavsharma9231
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10 hours ago, eurstin said:

I am offering my Non-Legendary Uniques for Metallic, Mystic, and Dark Reshiram/Zekroms!

I have about 485 in total. Some are level 100 and some have 4 hearts. Check my account to check them out :D

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                                                  Dark (53)                                                 

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                                                  Metallic (86)                                                  

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                                                  Mystic (61)                                                  

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                                                  Shadow (97)                                                 

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Shadow AbraShadow AronShadow AxewShadow BarboachShadow Basculin (Blue Stripe)Shadow Blastoise (Mega)Shadow BonslyShadow BulbasaurShadow CastformShadow Castform (Water)Shadow ChikoritaShadow ChimcharShadow ClamperlShadow CombuskenShadow CroagunkShadow CyndaquilShadow DedenneShadow Deerling (Autumn)Shadow Deerling (Spring)Shadow Deerling (Summer)Shadow DelibirdShadow DwebbleShadow EeveeShadow FletchlingShadow FurfrouShadow GibleShadow GirafarigShadow GolettShadow GoomyShadow GrowlitheShadow HawluchaShadow HoppipShadow HorseaShadow Kangaskhan (Mega)Shadow LarvitarShadow LickilickyShadow MagikarpShadow MagnemiteShadow MankeyShadow MantykeShadow MunchlaxShadow MurkrowShadow Nidoran (F)Shadow NoibatShadow OnixShadow OshawottShadow PichuShadow Pichu (Notched)Shadow PiplupShadow PonytaShadow Pumpkaboo (Super)Shadow RhyhornShadow RioluShadow RoggenrolaShadow ScytherShadow SeelShadow SeviperShadow ShelmetShadow SkiddoShadow SolosisShadow SpritzeeShadow SquirtleShadow StantlerShadow StarlyShadow StunkyShadow SwabluShadow TaillowShadow TrapinchShadow TurtwigShadow Unown (C)Shadow Unown (H)Shadow Unown (I)Shadow Unown (J)Shadow Unown (N)Shadow Unown (R)Shadow Unown (T)Shadow Unown (V)Shadow Unown (Y)Shadow ZebstrikaShadow Zubat

                                                  Shiny (188)                                                

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Shiny AbsolShiny Aggron (Mega)Shiny AipomShiny Altaria (Mega)Shiny Ampharos (Mega)Shiny BagonShiny Basculin (Red Stripe)Shiny BeldumShiny BergmiteShiny BidoofShiny BinacleShiny BlitzleShiny BronzorShiny BunearyShiny BunnelbyShiny Burmy (Steel)Shiny CarbinkShiny CastformShiny Castform (Ice)Shiny Castform (Water)Shiny CharizardShiny ChespinShiny ChikoritaShiny ChimcharShiny ClauncherShiny CorphishShiny CottoneeShiny CroagunkShiny CryogonalShiny CubchooShiny CuboneShiny DedenneShiny Deerling (Winter)Shiny DeinoShiny DiglettShiny DoduoShiny DratiniShiny DrilburShiny DucklettShiny EeveeShiny EkansShiny EspurrShiny ExeggcuteShiny FeraligatrShiny FerroseedShiny Flabebe (Blue)Shiny Flabebe (Yellow)Shiny FlygonShiny FurfrouShiny Garchomp (Mega)Shiny Gengar (Mega)Shiny GeodudeShiny GirafarigShiny GlameowShiny GolettShiny GoodraShiny GoomyShiny HappinyShiny HawluchaShiny HelioptileShiny HeracrossShiny Heracross (Mega)Shiny HippopotasShiny HoppipShiny HydreigonShiny IgglybuffShiny IllumiseShiny InfernapeShiny InkayShiny Kangaskhan (Mega)Shiny KarrablastShiny KecleonShiny KlefkiShiny KricketotShiny LaprasShiny LarvestaShiny LarvitarShiny LickilickyShiny LickitungShiny LillipupShiny LitleoShiny LotadShiny LuvdiscShiny MachopShiny MagbyShiny MankeyShiny MaractusShiny MeowthShiny MiltankShiny MinunShiny MudkipShiny NincadaShiny NinetalesShiny NoibatShiny ParasShiny PatratShiny PawniardShiny PhanpyShiny PichuShiny Pichu (Notched)Shiny PidoveShiny PiplupShiny PlusleShiny PonytaShiny PsyduckShiny Pumpkaboo (Average)Shiny RattataShiny RhyhornShiny RioluShiny SandshrewShiny ScatterbugShiny Scizor (Mega)Shiny ScytherShiny SeelShiny SentretShiny SeviperShiny ShelmetShiny ShroomishShiny SkarmoryShiny SkiddoShiny SlakothShiny SlugmaShiny SmeargleShiny SnoruntShiny SnoverShiny SnubbullShiny SolrockShiny SpearowShiny SphealShiny SpindaShiny SpritzeeShiny SquirtleShiny StantlerShiny StarlyShiny Steelix (Mega)Shiny SunkernShiny SwabluShiny SwirlixShiny TaillowShiny TaurosShiny ThrohShiny TogepiShiny TorkoalShiny TropiusShiny TrubbishShiny TurtwigShiny TympoleShiny TympoleShiny TynamoShiny TyranitarShiny Unown (F)Shiny Unown (H)Shiny Unown (J)Shiny Unown (M)Shiny Unown (N)Shiny Unown (O)Shiny Unown (Q)Shiny Unown (Qm)Shiny Unown (S)Shiny Unown (W)Shiny VaporeonShiny VenipedeShiny VenonatShiny WhismurShiny WurmpleShiny WynautShiny ZangooseShiny ZoroarkShiny Zoruathat took forever

shadow mega blastoise,shiny mega altaria ,shiny squirtle ,shiny mudkip and shiny hoppip for my Metallic Zekrom?sorry if I'm asking alot I'm not used to trading

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13 hours ago, Kiwinugzfan said:

Its uft now & its probably best for you to wait until the poke is trained to choose what uniques you want as there should be more to choose from by the time you are done training :)

Ok and I offered from GodsTrading 

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22 hours ago, Kiwinugzfan said:

I have quite a few uniques uft under kiwinugzfan if you like anything plz let me know :)


Also trading shiny suicune & shadow uxie for 5 uniques each and have updated my trade page with more uniques.


22 hours ago, Scheryar Saqib said:

Hey there please check suniques tons of uniques fr trade

PM me. We can talk from there.

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18 hours ago, manavsharma9231 said:

Shadow GibleShadow EeveeMetallic EeveeDark RioluShadow PiplupShadow MagnemiteShadow Munchlaxfor my Metallic Zekrom?

If yes, it is UFT on IGN: MaNaV16


12 hours ago, Uncle_Psychic said:

shadow mega blastoise,shiny mega altaria ,shiny squirtle ,shiny mudkip and shiny hoppip for my Metallic Zekrom?sorry if I'm asking alot I'm not used to trading

Sorry guys, I don't need a metallic any more. If you have a dark or mystic reshiram/zekrom, I would love to trade :)

Sorry I didn't change that. I'll fix it

@Uncle_Psychic If you have a dark or mystic, I would offer you what you asked for minus one mega. (you can replace it with any other unique)

Edited by eurstin
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5 hours ago, eurstin said:


Sorry guys, I don't need a metallic any more. If you have a dark or mystic reshiram/zekrom, I would love to trade :)

Sorry I didn't change that. I'll fix it

@Uncle_Psychic If you have a dark or mystic, I would offer you what you asked for minus one mega. (you can replace it with any other unique)

I think I have both Mystic Zekrom UFT on my ign, have a look and offer those pokes!

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1 hour ago, manavsharma9231 said:

I think I have both Mystic Zekrom UFT on my ign, have a look and offer those pokes!

K I'll make an offer when vortex gets back online

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On 2 June 2016 at 11:17 PM, Scheryar Saqib said:

If any body wants pokemon to be trained in exp message me in game ign:- scheryar rates can be negotiated in pm. Am also willing to trade 25 mil plus fr events ( NO pickachu cosplays  or vivillions

So 25 Mil for a kyurem form? 

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4 hours ago, Alex777 said:

So 25 Mil for a kyurem form? 

So Srry nt from me my stupid cousin is doing this I accidentally left my forums opened in my cousins ipad not training. I really Srry Pls forgive me :(

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