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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Replies posted by 123Aman-2

  1. Opened Again... xD 

  2. Meet the evolved form of Alola starter pokes... :o_o: 


  3. Looking for perfect Name for Ultimate thread. xD

  4. Meet the evolved form of Alola starter pokes... :o_o: 


  5. What event are you guys hoping for, for the Halloween event (if there is one)?

    1. 123Aman-2


      New Rotom Type  ... as Halloween is coming... @Patrick :P 

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  6. I swear some the Game Guides that people have started making on here.... <_>

  7. People who ask for reputation are just so annoying.

    1. 123Aman-2


      I'm also annoying , give me rep also ... :P 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. @penguinkiller where r u I have hunt some latias and latios.


    @himanshu24092002 u need dark Arceus right.this is also hunted down.

  9. @penguinkiller where r u I have hunt some latias and latios.


    @himanshu24092002 u need dark Arceus right.this is also hunted down.

    1. 123Aman-2


      hey in which map arceus is most chance to appear ?

      also in which time day or night ??

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Trading Shiny BastiodonShiny RampardosShadow RampardosShadow Cradilyand Shadow Armaldoupdated list .Lf good offer..

    1. 123Aman-2


      you are lucky that you got unique fossils... i only for normal tho...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Trading Shiny BastiodonShiny RampardosShadow RampardosShadow Cradilyand Shadow Armaldoupdated list .Lf good offer..

  12. Trading Shiny BastiodonShiny RampardosShadow RampardosShadow Cradilyand Shadow Armaldoupdated list .Lf good offer..

  13. Just so I don't blow up the feed thing.. I want to have a spot where I can be super excited over legends I come across while looking for the list of pokemon I want and the bit of Dex I'm working on.. this will be it.


    Also.. don't post on here if you're going to acuse me of crap I'm not botting, walking around a map looking for stuff isn't botting. jfc.

    1. 123Aman-2


      Np.. soul ... I'll continue it... 

      Nice :P 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. pokemon-vortex is getting destroyed no pm's nor any trade offers for months they are busy in pokemon go ........


  15. pokemon-vortex is getting destroyed no pm's nor any trade offers for months they are busy in pokemon go ........


    1. 123Aman-2


      Aww.... so sad :( your noobs Pokemons aren't getting any offer....

      LMAO :D (Lame trainer, noob Pokemon and bad offers ... xdd)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. yes! i caught my first own giratina which is a shadow one. After 30 minutes this great moment caught a normal giratina. So my two first giratinas on the same day.

  17. I gonna die now ... OMG !!!

    BIGGEST botter ever - pa3ick

    Activity-Searching map 10 for pokemon


    (after 10 seconds battle count 81,006 to 81,023 ) 




    250 million within 10 days... 

    Also -

    37 pages of trades including 30-40 electrics....




    GAWD HELP ME.... 


    1. 123Aman-2


      he's giving money (bribe) to Patrick not to ban him... :P 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Sowwie if I was a bit away from forums the last week and maybe even this.. Oh well, I was thinking of doing a guide on scammers, how to identify them and stuff. (on't worry. I won't give out HOW to scam...)

    ...Should I?


  19. Dear New connection,

    I think u r too slow for vortex and u r stoping me to claim final electric. :T_T:

  20. Is it just me, or when people have the need to add the words "LEGIT" and "NOT BOTTED" it just makes it more suspicious?

  21. Is shiny primial worth unique event????need help

    1. 123Aman-2


      yeah i think ,coz all glitches primal are removed and only originals are left whose price is high... :) 

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  22. Suddenly Got a partner @XGantzxfor plate hunting.

    @Goketa @soulweeper616 u both need plates right proceed torward my hunting thread and tell ur offer.My partner will do for u.


    1. 123Aman-2


      Lmao ....

      Firstly, there is no such kind of mystic zap plate @epicduel in vortex.... :D 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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