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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by HyperPanther

  1. Bruh I alr evolved it for dark aurora 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      ehhhhhh no u evolved my eevee not greninja



      but ye i thank u

    4. HyperPanther


      Ye ik he was talking about the umbreon thing

  2. I really think that should have more HP as it is OP in the anime. Please add this is as an update because it’s just “weird” as it is stronger in the anime and not here. Please don’t mistake this as an offence to you guys.
  3. The Explore mode in my opinion is a really cool change to the game. To be honest I didn’t really enjoy (no offence to the creators) the legacy maps because on phone and tablet you had to keep pressing arrows and it didn’t feel “right” for me even on laptop/computer. Asides from the V5 update, I don’t think many changes has been made to the game (at least that’s what I think)
  4. Kyogre sold to bambambamlol for 195k via in-game
  5. I’m getting way too many Phiones and Wimpods lol

  6. Bro ik that I just wasn’t bothered looking at it
  7. Hey guys, so as everybody knows there is a very special event mapped up tomorrow so is there anyone that could do training for free? If you don’t want to than it’s ok I understand.
  8. This has actually happened to me a few days ago but I didn’t mind since I knew who the people I was messaging
  9. Tomorrow be like: Battling TypeWater

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. HyperPanther


      Wait u said a team with 3 pokes, can’t u do 2 or 1 pokes?

    3. Auke1993


      2 or 1 works too, but if you click on the buttons in Vortex quickly you'll win a battle within 10 seconds of the previous one, meaning the battle won't coint due to the minimum time limit that's on Vortex to stop battle bots. 1 or 2 works, but you'd need to click the buttons slower.

    4. HyperPanther
  10. If u grind then it will be ez And how did I not know this. I asked a question like 2 months ago and a date wasn’t given to me lol
  11. I’m a Greninja I will trade my love for the morpeko
  12. How’s it going auke

    1. Auke1993


      I'd say things are going very well.
      Schoolwork is coming along nicely, and I'm having fun with Youtube videos and my Twitch streams.

  13. How’s it going jake

    1. red_wolf_


      Whos jake???

    2. HyperPanther


      I’m trying to guess names lol

    3. red_wolf_
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