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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by SofiX

  1. So,let me explain why: Pros of first idea: That would be good,especially for ppl who do not have Discord nor money nor time (Like me). Cons of first idea: Melmetal will drop its rarity. Ppl who are getting pds from selling Meltan candy will not (or will in small amounts) exist. As ProfFire said,ppl can just repeat over and over again the first region. Possibilities: Awarded a Melmetal if you complete sidequests 5 times. This will keep the rarity almost the same. Ppl will be able to sell Melmetal. Pros of second idea: Easy way to get fossils. Cons of second idea: Fossils will drop their rarity. Ppl who are getting pds from selling fossils will not (or will in small amounts) exist. Possibilities: If you complete secret achievements,you can get a random fossil.
  2. Good idea! I think this would be good.
  3. Ummm...I am trying to get it back rn.
  4. (Since you just said that you do not need dark variants anymore)
  5. (Me who is about to get Pichu Christmas and Dark Pikachu Christmas) DAMN IT-
  6. No prob,I just need that. Listen,add me in game. I will tell you a training acc.
  7. Sneezeball is back!!!

  8. I still did not fight. At 6pm in my time,me and my opponent will fight. Edit:Problem,something came up. I withdraw from the competition.
  9. No worries,it just kinda gets me pissed when ppl call me a boy.
  10. I.Am.A.Girl. (Damn,why cannot you remember?)
  11. How much is a Shadow Xurritree worth? A) Level 70 B) With 13m exp? (I am asking this since I just got 1 and I wanna train it.)
  12. What if your friend or relative enters the game? They would know. And as you said "This will prevent some of them" Even you are not sure in your idea. Maybe a series of questions which are different every time somebody will prevent scammers.
  13. Look at my poke and tell me what you want.
  14. Ok. I will need to go sleep,so see ya in 12 hours!
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