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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Ruby123654

  1. If by tomorow there are no more entries, I will close it.
  2. Hi... I am starting a giveaway. Pokemon for giveaway Azelf, Gengar, shadow pancham, dark rookidee, dark eevee, shadow sigilyph, metallic espurr, metallic foongus and mystic ekans Enter ign to join Sponsored by @StrikeFlame1
  3. just check my ign and choose which one you want
  4. what about my shadow eevee for your sylveon??
  5. i think i will do it for free, immunes are free
  6. ok, will you put the ditto up or should i put a trashmon up?
  7. You need to be in the top 100 to get a VC at the end of a season.
  8. Hi i want , what for it. ign Ruby123654
  9. Offered Patrat on your Dartrix
  10. so... how are we gonna get it?? did you put it up in trade??
  11. There is a 7.50% chance you can get it once you complete the kanto sidequest. Or you can buy a mystery box and hope you get a gengarite.
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