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Everything posted by sportsandmusic69

  1. PokebalPokeball and Fancy were events. The rest are not.
  2. Mega Stones can be earned through a number of ways. Prize from Mystery Boxes from the Vortex Store, Sidequest, Pokebay, etc.
  3. Hope everyone has a fun weekend playing Pokemon Vortex! :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Becky
    3. sportsandmusic69


      Uh no. That's the correct answer and the answer you're being given. Don't like it, stay off then. But if you want a better one then indefinite.


      Learn to behave and act like a little common sense and then you can come back. Until then I'll just assume you're throwing a temper tantrum because you can't have your way and will treat you accordingly, by ignoring your little outburst.

    4. kingtyger2011


      thats ok i'll find a way around it sence u wanna be a little kid and think oh im mr macho i'll find a way around the gate

  4. No. The only way for you to earn your money back after making a bid is to have someone outbid you on that item.
  5. This guide will allow you to determine if you feel it is rare or not. https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Map_Encounter_Rates
  6. 2 new Furfrou forms are now in the Exclusive Pokebay auction! Check them out and snag this one of a kind Pokemon!

  7. The first exclusive auction has started on PokéBay! It is for a Shiny Celebi Avatar, this avatar is available no other way so don't miss your chance to bid and win it. Auction ID: #0000046315

  8. Mystery Box Giveaway winners have been selected. I have sent the ingame promo codes out to the winners ingame so please check your messages.

  9. @himanshu24092002 @RaZoR @elcasador @xxxREDRUMxxx @EchoCHALLENGE Congratulations! Yall are the 5 randomly selected winners! I will message each and everyone of you with your own Mystery Box code!
  10. This is not an error. Ultra Beast can ONLY be caught with a Beast Ball or a Vortex Ball.
  11. The Pokemon is in the game. It's just in a rarer tier vs something like Zubat which is common.
  12. Just a reminder...today is the final day.


  13. The Pokémon Vortex store is now fully automated! All purchases made will have your promo codes delivered to your in-game account inventory within 60 seconds or less.

  14. Ice maps. This link is also helpful even if it's a work in progress. https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/List_of_Pokemon_By_Location
  15. Mega stones can be won through various ways. The Vortex Store Mystery Boxes, Sidequest, daily logins, etc.
  16. Why not throw some fun avatars into Pokebay. Wonder who will win things like Rayquaza (Mega)?

    1. hhh123


      hears the text of rayquaza avatar , jumps while typing "ill do it!"


  17. Don't forget to check out the Pokemon Vortex Mystery Box Giveaway page. You could win a free promo box.


  18. Hello everyone! With the Pokemon Store being opened and with the release of Pokemon Vortex v4 I have decided to purchase a few Mystery Boxes to give out randomly to players. This will be a simple giveaway and I'll keep the rules short and sweet. Maybe you'll win an avatar you wanted? Or maybe a rare fossil? Or maybe even a Vortex Ball to capture those elusive Ultra Beast? Post ingame username along with your favorite color. No entering from multiple accounts. (Don't even try.) That's it! I will let this run and end on the 24th and then I'll randomly choose the winners. 5 random winners will be chosen. So make sure you act fast and enter now!
  19. Beast Balls can be won through things like completing the Sidequest 100%. Vortex Balls can only be bought through the Vortex Store.
  20. Your badges are not gone. Gen 7 Trials and Champion along with a few other things were added, so make sure you complete them.
  21. v4 will be released once Patrick has finished it and it has been tested.
  22. This is already a known issue and fixed in v4.
  23. There is no set date for it. But if you must know a word: Soon.
  24. Have you logged in recently? Make sure you link your Ingame account and forums account! ;)

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