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Dark floette eternal

2x Metallic floette eternal 1 is code

Normal Necrozma

Dark necrozma

Rotomween with 1m exp

Metallic stakataka 

LF:exp and pd's

Edited by agha23
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Trading all my spares for things I don't have...Got lots of other stuff as well but these are uniques that I got. Shadow Pikachu (Christmas)Shiny GiratinaShiny Ho-ohMystic YveltalShadow ArceusShiny DarkraiShiny DarkrownDark LugiaSolgaleoMystic Pikachu (Christmas)NecrozmaVolcaniongot several of these. I also do got other events that I'm willing to trade for exp that I don't got doubles of so it may cost more to get a ride of...Let my know if your interested.  

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Looking for a Shiny Popplio, can offer up to four of the following shinies (maybe five depending on which ones you want): 


Shiny: Abra, Absol, Alomomola, Arcanine, Axew, Azurill, Basculin (Blue Stripe) Beldum, Bunnelby, Carvanha, Castform (Fire), Chinchou, Combee, Corphish, Deerling (Autumn), Drilbur, Floatzel, Hippopotas, Krabby, Mareanie, Noibat, Pancham, Panpour, Petilil, Poliwag, Rhyperior, Sandile, Sentret, Shellos (East and West), Skiddo, Staryu, Tauros, Trapinch, Vanillite, Venonat, Volcarona, Yanma


Can also do 1 for 1 exchange for a shiny starter/rare: Bagon, Chespin, Froakie, Marill, Oshawott


Contact me via PM, IGN is willywonka1029, or respond to this post. Thank you!

Edited by willywonka1029
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