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Pokémon Vortex

QUESTION OF THE DAY! Day 1 (Starting over)

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Hey everyone! :D Todays question is a ten part question please answer below and comment on others :)




1)What pokemon episode has made you the most emotional? (If none then reply with none)

2)What is the best Pokemon Movie?

3)Who is thee strongest pokemon?

4)Strongest Pokemon Trainer

5)Best Starter?

6)Best Region?

7)Who are Ash´s best companions from all the regions?

8)Best tag team for pokemon?

9)Who is the weakest pokemon?

10)If you have watched Pokemon Journeys, What is Ashs strongest pokemon he has in the Galar Region? What is Gohs strongest pokemon he owns?


B O N U S   Q U E S T I O N (First person to answer this correct and you win a prize (Its a surprise)


11)What is my top 3 favorite pokemon I own in Vortex?




1) S _ i _ y    _ _ c _ _ i _

2) _ _ r _     _ _ _ _ e _

3) _ e _ r _ _ _ a


For numbers 1 & 2 the first word is the variation of the pokemon Shiny, Metalic, Dark, Mystic, Shadow, Normal



My answers

1) Episode 45 Pokemon Journeys (Ashs Riolu and Gohs Raboot evolve!)

2)I have to say Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel

3)Most people would say Arceus but I dont know about that, I think it could be Zygarde complete or even Necrozma (Ultra)

4)It will be Ash Ketchum because he makes new friends and has tons of super strong pokemon

5)Its a hard choice but I would be Between Charmander, Froakie, or Scorbunny I have to go with Charmander

6)Kalos for sure

7) its hard to choose but I have to go with Serena, Bonnie, Clemont 

8)Lucario and Cinderace all the way :)

9)Dunsparce I dont even think it can battle haha

10)Its really hard to choose but I think its between Lucario and Dragonite, They havent showed much of Lucarios battling yet but Ashs Dragonite beat both Korrinas pokemon basically by itself. But I have to go with Lucario because it seriously one shotted Rose´s 2 pokemon using a move called Aura Sphere which is super impressive to know when you just evolved!? And Goh has some insanely good pokemon But I would have to go with his Colossal Golurk but just recently He and ash actually caught Eternatus!? So if that counts its obvious its eternatus. 


Sorry if this is a bit long so I dont blame you if you dont reply or just reply to a few of the questions haha thanks again and have a great day everyone :D 

Edited by Captaincam1
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8 hours ago, Captaincam1 said:

Hey everyone! :D Todays question is a ten part question please answer below and comment on others :)




1)What pokemon episode has made you the most emotional? (If none then reply with none)

2)What is the best Pokemon Movie?

3)Who is thee strongest pokemon?

4)Strongest Pokemon Trainer

5)Best Starter?

6)Best Region?

7)Who are Ash´s best companions from all the regions?

8)Best tag team for pokemon?

9)Who is the weakest pokemon?

10)If you have watched Pokemon Journeys, What is Ashs strongest pokemon he has in the Galar Region? What is Gohs strongest pokemon he owns?


B O N U S   Q U E S T I O N (First person to answer this correct and you win a prize (Its a surprise)


11)What is my top 3 favorite pokemon I own in Vortex?




1) S _ i _ y    _ _ c _ _ i _

2) _ _ r _     _ _ _ _ e _

3) _ e _ r _ _ _ a


For numbers 1 & 2 the first word is the variation of the pokemon Shiny, Metalic, Dark, Mystic, Shadow, Normal



My answers

1) Episode 45 Pokemon Journeys (Ashs Riolu and Gohs Raboot evolve!)

2)I have to say Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel

3)Most people would say Arceus but I dont know about that, I think it could be Zygarde complete or even Necrozma (Ultra)

4)It will be Ash Ketchum because he makes new friends and has tons of super strong pokemon

5)Its a hard choice but I would be Between Charmander, Froakie, or Scorbunny I have to go with Charmander

6)Kalos for sure

7) its hard to choose but I have to go with Serena, Bonnie, Clemont 

8)Lucario and Cinderace all the way :)

9)Dunsparce I dont even think it can battle haha

10)Its really hard to choose but I think its between Lucario and Dragonite, They havent showed much of Lucarios battling yet but Ashs Dragonite beat both Korrinas pokemon basically by itself. But I have to go with Lucario because it seriously one shotted Rose´s 2 pokemon using a move called Aura Sphere which is super impressive to know when you just evolved!? And Goh has some insanely good pokemon But I would have to go with his Colossal Golurk but just recently He and ash actually caught Eternatus!? So if that counts its obvious its eternatus. 


Sorry if this is a bit long so I dont blame you if you dont reply or just reply to a few of the questions haha thanks again and have a great day everyone :D 

1that episode in kanto reigon where pikachu is enjoying its time with all the other pikachus and ash decides to leave him but pikachu didnt wanna leave ash😭


2 lucario and mysetry of mew


3 charizard,lucario groudon Xd


4 ash


5 charmander


6 kalos


7 brock.serena clemont


8 charizard and lucario


9 it can be found swimming in seas, lakes, rivers and shallow puddles. Whoever its opponent, and however horrible the attack it receives, all it does is Splash around. An underpowered, pathetic Pokémon. It may jump high on rare occasions, but never more than seven feet.>>magikarps pokedex entry shows its weak


10 lucario and cinderace

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im late but ...

1 bye bye butterfree 

2    lucario and the mystery of mew 

3  mega rayquaza

4  cynthia

5   frokie/frogadier/greninja/ash greninja

6  sinnoh

7  dawn,misty,brock,clemont

8   silvally and an op majikarp

9  wobuffet

10 lucario and cinderace



1  shiny lucario

dark rowlet



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1 bye bye butterfree 

2    lucario and the mystery of mew 

3  Necrozma

4  Kukui

5   frokie/frogadier/greninja/ash greninja

6  Kalos

7  dawn,misty,brock,clemont

8   Ash-Greninja and Ash

9  wobuffet

10 lucario and cinderace


1 Shiny lucario

2 Dark rowlet

3 Necrozma

Edited by tazzer
spelling correction
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1 bye bye butterfree 

2    lucario and the mystery of mew 

3  mega rayquaza

4  cynthia

5   frokie/frogadier/greninja/ash greninja

6  sinnoh

7  dawn,misty,brock,clemont

8   silvally and an op majikarp

9  wobuffet

10 lucario and cinderace


1 Shiny lucario

2 Dark rowlet

3 Necrozma

First time participating


Edited by DecayingDecoy
forgot to mention something
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11 hours ago, Captaincam1 said:

Hey everyone! :D Todays question is a ten part question please answer below and comment on others :)




1)What pokemon episode has made you the most emotional? (If none then reply with none)

2)What is the best Pokemon Movie?

3)Who is thee strongest pokemon?

4)Strongest Pokemon Trainer

5)Best Starter?

6)Best Region?

7)Who are Ash´s best companions from all the regions?

8)Best tag team for pokemon?

9)Who is the weakest pokemon?

10)If you have watched Pokemon Journeys, What is Ashs strongest pokemon he has in the Galar Region? What is Gohs strongest pokemon he owns?


B O N U S   Q U E S T I O N (First person to answer this correct and you win a prize (Its a surprise)


11)What is my top 3 favorite pokemon I own in Vortex?




1) S _ i _ y    _ _ c _ _ i _

2) _ _ r _     _ _ _ _ e _

3) _ e _ r _ _ _ a


For numbers 1 & 2 the first word is the variation of the pokemon Shiny, Metalic, Dark, Mystic, Shadow, Normal



My answers

1) Episode 45 Pokemon Journeys (Ashs Riolu and Gohs Raboot evolve!)

2)I have to say Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel

3)Most people would say Arceus but I dont know about that, I think it could be Zygarde complete or even Necrozma (Ultra)

4)It will be Ash Ketchum because he makes new friends and has tons of super strong pokemon

5)Its a hard choice but I would be Between Charmander, Froakie, or Scorbunny I have to go with Charmander

6)Kalos for sure

7) its hard to choose but I have to go with Serena, Bonnie, Clemont 

8)Lucario and Cinderace all the way :)

9)Dunsparce I dont even think it can battle haha

10)Its really hard to choose but I think its between Lucario and Dragonite, They havent showed much of Lucarios battling yet but Ashs Dragonite beat both Korrinas pokemon basically by itself. But I have to go with Lucario because it seriously one shotted Rose´s 2 pokemon using a move called Aura Sphere which is super impressive to know when you just evolved!? And Goh has some insanely good pokemon But I would have to go with his Colossal Golurk but just recently He and ash actually caught Eternatus!? So if that counts its obvious its eternatus. 


Sorry if this is a bit long so I dont blame you if you dont reply or just reply to a few of the questions haha thanks again and have a great day everyone :D 


2.For me I like both Volcanion and Mechanical Marvel and even I like Hoop and the Clash of Ages(cause many legendaries fight)

3.necrozma (ultra)

4.Bionnie  (as she has zygarde core) 


6.Kalos (Pokemon XY) and even XYZ

7.Brock,Clement,Bionnie and Clemont.

8.greninja (ash) and charizard (mega x)


10.lucarioand cinderace


1.shiny lucario

2.dark rowlet


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On 12/8/2020 at 10:17 AM, Captaincam1 said:

Hey everyone! :D Todays question is a ten part question please answer below and comment on others :)




1)What pokemon episode has made you the most emotional? (If none then reply with none)

2)What is the best Pokemon Movie?

3)Who is thee strongest pokemon?

4)Strongest Pokemon Trainer

5)Best Starter?

6)Best Region?

7)Who are Ash´s best companions from all the regions?

8)Best tag team for pokemon?

9)Who is the weakest pokemon?

10)If you have watched Pokemon Journeys, What is Ashs strongest pokemon he has in the Galar Region? What is Gohs strongest pokemon he owns?


B O N U S   Q U E S T I O N (First person to answer this correct and you win a prize (Its a surprise)


11)What is my top 3 favorite pokemon I own in Vortex?




1) S _ i _ y    _ _ c _ _ i _

2) _ _ r _     _ _ _ _ e _

3) _ e _ r _ _ _ a


For numbers 1 & 2 the first word is the variation of the pokemon Shiny, Metalic, Dark, Mystic, Shadow, Normal



My answers

1) Episode 45 Pokemon Journeys (Ashs Riolu and Gohs Raboot evolve!)

2)I have to say Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel

3)Most people would say Arceus but I dont know about that, I think it could be Zygarde complete or even Necrozma (Ultra)

4)It will be Ash Ketchum because he makes new friends and has tons of super strong pokemon

5)Its a hard choice but I would be Between Charmander, Froakie, or Scorbunny I have to go with Charmander

6)Kalos for sure

7) its hard to choose but I have to go with Serena, Bonnie, Clemont 

8)Lucario and Cinderace all the way :)

9)Dunsparce I dont even think it can battle haha

10)Its really hard to choose but I think its between Lucario and Dragonite, They havent showed much of Lucarios battling yet but Ashs Dragonite beat both Korrinas pokemon basically by itself. But I have to go with Lucario because it seriously one shotted Rose´s 2 pokemon using a move called Aura Sphere which is super impressive to know when you just evolved!? And Goh has some insanely good pokemon But I would have to go with his Colossal Golurk but just recently He and ash actually caught Eternatus!? So if that counts its obvious its eternatus. 


Sorry if this is a bit long so I dont blame you if you dont reply or just reply to a few of the questions haha thanks again and have a great day everyone :D 

(1)i dont think an ep has made me sad. most movies have tho. so none

(2)best one arceus and the jewel of life. yup I SAID IT best movie ever no time needed

(3)gotta say arceus. what other pokemon can make life? not many.


(5)PIPLUP (yeah i like sinnoh)

(6)im beetween johto and sinnoh

(7)i gotta say it. brock and iris. food + funnyness = the best pokemon ep ever.

(8)what the flopping magikarp is a tag team?!?

(9) weakest is snom. not nom the snom. snom.

(10)GENGARRRRRRRRR + does goh have a syther? i say that if it is his.

(11) i dont even know.

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On 12/8/2020 at 10:28 PM, Nuttyash said:


2.For me I like both Volcanion and Mechanical Marvel and even I like Hoop and the Clash of Ages(cause many legendaries fight)

3.necrozma (ultra)

4.Bionnie  (as she has zygarde core) 


6.Kalos (Pokemon XY) and even XYZ

7.Brock,Clement,Bionnie and Clemont.

8.greninja (ash) and charizard (mega x)


10.lucarioand cinderace


1.shiny lucario

2.dark rowlet


ok i forget spoink even exists lol.

also lucario and cinderace are too overrated. what about the fact that eevee and pikachu could work (not a tag team i dont think but still. that would be epic)


also im never even gonna do the bonus thing since there is no point

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On 12/8/2020 at 9:17 AM, Captaincam1 said:

Hey everyone! :D Todays question is a ten part question please answer below and comment on others :)




1)What pokemon episode has made you the most emotional? (If none then reply with none)

2)What is the best Pokemon Movie?

3)Who is thee strongest pokemon?

4)Strongest Pokemon Trainer

5)Best Starter?

6)Best Region?

7)Who are Ash´s best companions from all the regions?

8)Best tag team for pokemon?

9)Who is the weakest pokemon?

10)If you have watched Pokemon Journeys, What is Ashs strongest pokemon he has in the Galar Region? What is Gohs strongest pokemon he owns?


B O N U S   Q U E S T I O N (First person to answer this correct and you win a prize (Its a surprise)


11)What is my top 3 favorite pokemon I own in Vortex?




1) S _ i _ y    _ _ c _ _ i _

2) _ _ r _     _ _ _ _ e _

3) _ e _ r _ _ _ a


For numbers 1 & 2 the first word is the variation of the pokemon Shiny, Metalic, Dark, Mystic, Shadow, Normal



My answers

1) Episode 45 Pokemon Journeys (Ashs Riolu and Gohs Raboot evolve!)

2)I have to say Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel

3)Most people would say Arceus but I dont know about that, I think it could be Zygarde complete or even Necrozma (Ultra)

4)It will be Ash Ketchum because he makes new friends and has tons of super strong pokemon

5)Its a hard choice but I would be Between Charmander, Froakie, or Scorbunny I have to go with Charmander

6)Kalos for sure

7) its hard to choose but I have to go with Serena, Bonnie, Clemont 

8)Lucario and Cinderace all the way :)

9)Dunsparce I dont even think it can battle haha

10)Its really hard to choose but I think its between Lucario and Dragonite, They havent showed much of Lucarios battling yet but Ashs Dragonite beat both Korrinas pokemon basically by itself. But I have to go with Lucario because it seriously one shotted Rose´s 2 pokemon using a move called Aura Sphere which is super impressive to know when you just evolved!? And Goh has some insanely good pokemon But I would have to go with his Colossal Golurk but just recently He and ash actually caught Eternatus!? So if that counts its obvious its eternatus. 


Sorry if this is a bit long so I dont blame you if you dont reply or just reply to a few of the questions haha thanks again and have a great day everyone :D 


2)hoopa and the clash of age




5)charizard (gigantamax)


7)goh,serena, misty


9)not magikarp because one hit evolve, but it super weak, so i pick magikarp

10) ash's pikachuand goh's cinderace



bonus 1)shiny lucario

bonus 2)dark rowlet

bonus 3)necrozma

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