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Looking for certain Eevee evolution varieties!

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7 minutes ago, rms701 said:

I have Leafeon, I want Pikachu (Pop Star) form.

Sorry That is unfair 



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7 hours ago, Sage_Unu said:

Trading:EeveeDratinilicDratinireDratiniceCursolaFarfetch'd (Galarian)ObstagoonGrimer (Alolan)Geodude (Alolan)Vulpix (Alolan)Vivillon (Pokeball)Vivillon (polar)Rotom (cut)Pikachu (Pop Star)Shiny Alcremie (Love)Golbat (Halloween)ArticunoCelebiCobalionDeoxysDialgaDiancie (Mega)EternatusJirachiKeldeoKyuremLatias (Mega)Mewtwo (Mega Y)MoltresPalkiaRaikouRegigigasRegirockReshiramShayminSuicuneTapu FiniTornadusYveltalZamazentaZapdosZekromDark Shaymin (Sky)Dark Tapu LeleMystic EnteiMystic RegiceShadow VirizionShadow Xerneas (Active)



Looking for: Metallic FlareonMystic FlareonJolteonDark JolteonMetallic Jolteonmystic jolteonshadow jolteonshiny jolteonmystic glaceonmetallic glaceondark glaceonEspeonmystic espeondark espeonmetallic espeonshadow espeonshiny espeonumbreondark umbreonmetallic umbreonmystic umbreonshadow umbreonSylveonmystic Sylveondark Sylveonmetallic Sylveonshadow Sylveonshiny Sylveonmystic leafeonshiny leafeon


Please note: I will not accept all trades that have one of the Pokemon listed it has to be fair.

and I only accept the eevee evolution varieties that are listed!


IGN: Sage_Unu

I have EspeonI want Vulpix (Alolan)

Edited by Hardieboi
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