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Pokemon Trade Center

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This is the Pokemon Trade Center! My other one basically died so I made this! I won't log on that often so don't expect me to get to your offer quick.


Normal Pokemon



I have too many so check my acc for the shinies, it's the same name I use here, PenguinizedYT


GreninjaChesnaughtEmpoleonBlazikenBlastoise (Mega)

Legendaries and Mythicals



Metallic CelebiMetallic RegigigasShadow GabiteShadow RotomMystic LilligantMetallic LatiasMystic Tapu Fini


What I want:  Shiny Naganadel<- Named Sparkle <-Morpeko (Hangry)<- any formDark Lucario (Mega)<- Named LukeShadow Reshiram <- Named Midnight


Edited by PenguinizedYT
Got rid of the dark variant Pokemon.
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11 hours ago, PenguinizedYT said:

This is the Pokemon Trade Center! My other one basically died so I made this! I won't log on that often so don't expect me to get to your offer quick.


Normal Pokemon



I have too many so check my acc for the shinies, it's the same name I use here, PenguinizedYT


GreninjaChesnaughtEmpoleonBlazikenBlastoise (Mega)

Legendaries and Mythicals



Metallic CelebiMetallic RegigigasDark ObstagoonDark RayquazaShadow GabiteShadow RotomMystic Lilligant


What I want: Shiny Tapu Fini<- Named Shelly Shiny Naganadel<- Named Sparkle Shiny Latios (Mega)or<- Named AircraftMorpeko (Hangry)<- any form

i haveShiny Latias (Mega), but not my OT, so i cant rename, sorry :( 

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9 minutes ago, PenguinizedYT said:

just a legendary cuz that's what kyogre is maybe a unique rare

pls not my groudon or requalz or garitna those are speal to me

pls check my other acount jeffpig2020 and look at all those pokemon no ultra beasts

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10 minutes ago, jeffpig said:

pls not my groudon or requalz or garitna those are speal to me

pls check my other acount jeffpig2020 and look at all those pokemon no ultra beasts

ok can i have the yveltal? i put it on trade station so offer anything you think is fair

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